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ok so I'm new here thought to post some pics let me know what you think I should work on

and I know my posing sucks !


Age: 27
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 86kg
BF %: No Idea.

been training for 2 years, oh btw I'm still natural
Great foundation. You did what 95% of all other beginners didn't do. That was build a solid foundation before looking into AAS.

Props to you.
yeah still looking and wondering when is the time to get involved, it's hard to resist specially I live in a country where I could just walk into a pharmacy and get test-e/sustanon-250/deca/proviron/clomid and Nolvadex both Legal and very cheap but looking at my gym I see almost everybody specially teenagers getting swollen in a month then back to normal if not worse after a few. I feel I'm still learning so it's not yet the time for me to get involved plus I can easily blow the guys at my gym out of water year round with the exception when they are on lol
excellent work... i will say with confidence you have excellent genetics as well and you took advantage of that instead of hopping on roids at 19 or 20 like many others. i'm sure in your country kids do it at 15 or 16 and its frustrating watching them half ass their workouts while you are busting yourself natty

it is up to you when you want to open up the can of worms.. you have plenty of time to reach whatever goals you have.

i would start off with an anavar or dbol cycle and see how it goes. var if you want to trim up and get some strength gains, dbol if you want mass and strength. then for a 2nd cycle go with primo/test/var or dbol... you will definately be pleased
I'm not sure about an oral only first cycle. although it's very appealing as no injections involved.

I've been reading in here and obviously can see a debate regarding this on here most will say have a test base no matter what

ideally I was thinking:

1-10 test-e @ 350mg/wk
1-6 dbol @ 20mg ED
6-12 var 30mg ED
10-12 test-p 100mg EOD
3-16 Aromasin/arimadex.

2-12 HCGenerate.

then after adjusting calories/macros to my new weight
That's a whole lot of shit for a first cycle.. shit in about to do my first and its just gonna be sust 250 and dbol

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^^you will need hcg during your cycle and a SERM for your PCT added to what you already have if you choose that cycle.

your first cycle is always the best due to the clear receptors so make sure you are ready to rock and roll and you have everything ready
damn bro you look reallly good. i was going to ask if you were on cycle right now before the blurb about being natural.

why do you need to juice when looking like that naturally? your hormone levels are clearly awsome. are you going to compete? why not try some natural competitions first, and wait till your 30's when your hormones start to dip anyway to juice...

if you insist on juicing now, keep it tame, and simple for as long as you can. i disagree with lafragle, the dosages are pretty low. looks like a fun cycle!
I'd say he has genetics to be honest.. Considering he said he's only been lifting for 2 yrs. You should keep pushing yourself tho and see hoe far you can get without roids. Not sure how you're legs are but you are legit so far.. Good job
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