C C cindylou Jul 16, 2011 thanks for the discretion...I don't want my ugly vindictive side revealed. Bad timing I guess
A A AFeedz Jun 9, 2011 Wtf my phone isn't letting me give karma right now. .....but you da best for that. Smoke & cuddle now? Lolol
Wtf my phone isn't letting me give karma right now. .....but you da best for that. Smoke & cuddle now? Lolol
the.gladiator1987 Jun 5, 2011 lmao @ the powercleans ahahaha i said the same shit and then we got busted lolz
the_alcatraz May 12, 2011 http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/weight-training-weight-lifting/my-ef-fam-i-got-injured-hurt-pretty-bad-need-your-help-keep-me-motivated-745497.html
axismundi May 6, 2011 Grabbed my ipam from https://www.purchasepeptides.com, giving them a shot no pun intended