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My OSTA-SARM MK-2866 Log!!!

what kind of composition change? Im looking to use this in my pct to recomp- yes i will be cutting cals in pct but will have this bad mama jamma in me so im thinking with the cutting of cals/cardio i will maintain all mass and loose fat???

anyways glad someone is logging this- standard dose is 12.5 mg to what 25mg?

never cut cals on pct even if u were on a cutting cycle , u should eat more and train less to preserve ur muscles waiting for ur system to start , do it after u recover.
Just in case you don't know i can read deleted posts..............theres no Bs going on i call it like i see it.i tested SARMS-4 and wanted to make a journal for Ostra SARMS since these are both new compounds alot of members are worried about the sides/eyesight...etc.

OK another update i'm really starting to like this product ,no sides at all i'm also tempted to up the dosage to 40mg,i'll decide in a few days. Right now running it straight with no days off!
Just in case you don't know i can read deleted posts..............theres no Bs going on i call it like i see it.i tested SARMS-4 and wanted to make a journal for Ostra SARMS since these are both new compounds alot of members are worried about the sides/eyesight...etc.

OK another update i'm really starting to like this product ,no sides at all i'm also tempted to up the dosage to 40mg,i'll decide in a few days. Right now running it straight with no days off!

ROFL.. any scale change?
well we know RADAR is honest, not promoting the shit out of it saying it works instantly.
Keep up the good write up! ill be sure to do one too when mine arrives
damn i wish i had the money :( i hear nothing but gr8 things about sarms , first with S4 now with osta , i envy u guys.
btw Radar do u think that Sarm can be run all year long for HRT , or at least if not alone but with a very small dose of test like half the prescribed hrt dose to avoid some long term test sides and benefit of sarms anabolic effect with no sides? do u think it'll work that way with these early versions?
damn i wish i had the money :( i hear nothing but gr8 things about sarms , first with S4 now with osta , i envy u guys.
btw Radar do u think that Sarm can be run all year long for HRT , or at least if not alone but with a very small dose of test like half the prescribed hrt dose to avoid some long term test sides and benefit of sarms anabolic effect with no sides? do u think it'll work that way with these early versions?

Thats would be a risky attempt ,both of these compounds havn't been out long enough to have any noticable ramifications recorded. so this is why i am testing both sarms throwing caution into the wind.

i am starting a cycle change this week as no sides have appeared, 50mg mon,25mg tues ,wed , 50mgs thurs then 25mg to finish the week. i'm playing this by ear so monday i weighed myself and will wait until the end of week two before weighing again.
Wish me luck...:)
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