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My OSTA-SARM MK-2866 Log!!!

Thats would be a risky attempt ,both of these compounds havn't been out long enough to have any noticable ramifications recorded. so this is why i am testing both sarms throwing caution into the wind.

i am starting a cycle change this week as no sides have appeared, 50mg mon,25mg tues ,wed , 50mgs thurs then 25mg to finish the week. i'm plavying this by ear so monday i weighed myself and will wait until the end of week two before weighing again.
Wish me luck...:)

good luck bro , and thx for being a lab rat for us :D , u know first i learned about S4 from ur thread and now this u r really contributing to the scientific community and we love u for that :heart:
good luck bro , and thx for being a lab rat for us :D , u know first i learned about S4 from ur thread and now this u r really contributing to the scientific community and we love u for that :heart:

Thank you, i'm always glad to help.:)

Last night in did a front bicep flex in front of the mirror and i can definetely see the fullness taking place so in 2 weeks lets see what happens.
25 mgs this morning no change yet,i should have taken this after i had my breakfast, couldn't shake the glue taste out of my mouth,but its no worse than sarms-4.just takes some getting used to ,now mixing both together OMG! my taste buds would run amok!

Hey Radar, I'm just curious as to how you know what glue tastes like? lol :p
another update, last night i was bottle feeding the kittens (momma left them -long story) i noticed my arms were filling out alot more ,so i decided to weigh myself ,since upping the dosage i am up 5 pounds, now before we all start getting excited i will take a few more weigh ins for the next few days to determine if its water weight, of just food that i'm holding in.

So far i have concluded Osta Sarms works, Slower than Sarms-4,no noticable fat loss or appetite increase,and no sides.
I will stay at this current dosages for a few more weeks so i should have more solid concrete evidence to post up, right now ,my favorite is Sarms-4 even tho it does come with vision sides,i love how it makes you look while lean ,it will rip you up while maintaining muscle volume.Running the combined Sarms before competition would be an ideal way to avoid duretics while maintaining that full ,lean look!

Later everyone
One at the moment a little over halfway thru at this time.

AT your doses, you are gonna need another bottle or 2 lol...
Yeah i realize that, my training partner has 2 bottles so i may swipe one of his
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