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Is there actual proof that you have to change your routine?


New member
I get very stuck in my routine have a hard time changing it up I guess because I like it and I hate change sometimes.

So I wonder is there really proof that you have to change your routine to shock your muscles into growing? Or is that just a rumor.

I mean lets say a dude breaks rocks with a sledge hammer everyday isn't he going to continue to grow?

If I am wrong what should I do different here is my current wo.

Mon- back

3 sets of wide grip pullups many as I can
3 set of bent over db rows as much 8 reps to failure
3 sets of cable rows
3 sets of bar rows


3 sets of straight bar curls
3 sets of db curls
3 set of preacher curls

tues shoulders

3 sets of db shoulder presses
3 sets of upright rows.
3 sets of db side raises
3 sets of bent over raises
3 sets of shrugs

thurs chest

3 sets of incline bar
3 set of bench db
3 sets of cable flies
2 sets of machine presses


3 sets of dips(every once in a while)
3 sets of push downs
3 sets of bench dips(putting feet on one bench then put a 45lb plate on your lap and your hands on another bench)
3 sets of close grip bench


I wake board now during the summer.
Look for change when you start to plateau. If growth or strength seems to occur less and less on a regular basis, it might be time for a change.
You sledgehammer swinger, will get bigger and stronger up to the point where he needs to be to be an efficient sledgehammer swinger. After he gets where he needs to be to do that, he will cease to get bigger and stronger.

Now if he changed hammers all the time, changed grips, etc. . . he might continue to grow.

Odd lifts and doing what your body is uncomfortable with are the keys to growth and strength gains. Try doing different weird lifts you are not used to every workout for about 6 or 8 weeks, and it will astound you how much stronger you can get.

The modern tradition of lifting only barbells and dumbells with standard sized handles, for 4 sets of 5 to 10 reps in exercises like squat bench deadlift, curl and pulldowns, is very limited and will not make you really strong and athletic quickly in the same way as. . . for instance, doing the big 3 lifts, plus say, strongman events.

Or if you want to get really crazy, try doing kettlebell swings, and one armed snatches and clean and jerks, or wall squats with a stability ball and dumbells held at chest level. Or squat on a balance board holding Indian Clubs at arm's length. Or here's another idea, pick up a big heavy rock, and set it in the back of a truck, then repeat 10 or 12 times.

Take a bunch of bricks, and hold one lengthwise, while continually loading more and more bricks on it. If you get to where you can hold one brick while 6 or 8 are stacked on it, you will be very strong.

But just going in and hitting the big 3 every week, doing the same number of reps and sets is a sure path to mediocrity.

yeah you need variety to keep growing. if your growing constantly you may not have to change exercise as much. but only switch when they quit working.

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