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Need Opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Whats up. I recently switched my splits and my exercises. Here is what my splits are :Day1 Chest
Day2 Back/Shoulders
Day3 Off
Day4 Legs
Day5 Bi's/Tri's
Day6 Off
Day1 Repeat Order
Does this order seem OK to you guy's or would you recomond some other order? Any input is appreciated.
Now to get more in detail here are my exercises for each muscle:
4 sets flat bench
4 sets incline bench
3 sets flat dumbell press
3 sets decline cable fly
3 sets pef dek
3 sets reverse closegrip pulldowns
4 sets bent over barbell rows
4 sets T bar rows
4 sets seated cable rows
3 sets behind the neck widegrip pulldowns
5 sets millitary press
3 sets front dumbell raises
3 sets side dumbell raises
3 sets reverse fly's
4 sets shrugs
5 sets squats
3 sets hamstring machine
3 sets quades machine
3 sets calf raises
3 sets close grip bench
5 sets weighted dips
3 sets nosebreakers
3 sets cable pulldowns
4 sets barbell curls
4 sets hammer curls
4 sets dumbell curls

Please let me know what you guys think of the number of sets and exercise selections for my muscles. Is there anything you guy's think would make sense for me to change. Right now I'm looking to add some bulk rather than definition. Mostly my heavy exercises have sets that consist of reps that go 8-7-6-5-4 range. I'm always eager to do some tinkering to my routines, so p[lease let me know what you guy's would change.
Looks solid to me. You might want to reconsider training shoulders the day after chest. I’ve done it in the past and find its too much for my rotary cuffs. Especially when your bulking and lifting heavy.
The sessions were it's just one body part about an hour, and when it's two about an hour and a half.(Thats of just lifting, not counting stretching or warm ups)
I think it's too much. I go by no more than three excercises for major muscle groups (chest, back), and two for smaller (arms, shoulders). I think you're overtraining bro.
Really, overtraining? Do you think that it would be smart to take another day off before starting the routine again, making me working each muscle once a week rather than evry six days?
It's not your schedule that's the problem. It's that you're doing way too many excercises per muscle group. Like on chest day, you've got five different excercises. What I would suggest is to increase the weight and intensity, but only do three excercises. I'll to two press excercises, three sets each, then one fly excercise 2-3 sets. And that's it. But I've lifted very heavy and my chest is pretty much fried by the time I'm done.

Good rule to go by is three excercises for the large muscle groups (back, chest), two for smaller (arms, shoulders) and legs you can pretty much beat to shit all you like :) . Remember, lift heavy for muscle growth and let your diet and cardio take care of your bodyfat.
Alright gymtime, I'll take some exercises out, but I'm still going to do more than three sets for large groups and two for the small ones. One more thing, I'm going to be going back on the juice in a couple of months and was wondering if the first routine I listed would be good while juicin.
3 sets flat bench, alternate with DB press
3 sets incline bench, alternate with weighted dips
2 sets pec deck

3 sets chin-ups (or pull downs)
3 sets bent over barbell rows
12 sets of rows? Way too much.
3 sets military press
2 sets shrugs

That's PLENTY for one day.

4 sets squats
3 sets hamstring curls
2 sets calf raises

Forget leg extensions. Cut out a set of back squats and do some front squats if you want more quad work.

3 sets nosebreakers
3 sets cable pulldowns
2 sets barbell curls
2 sets dumbell curls

No sense slamming your arms into submission. Small muscles; don't need so many reps or angles. Actually, I think a seperate arm day is silly, but a lot of people swear by them. *shrug*

One warm-up set in the heavy compound lift first, not too many reps.

Remaining lifts: 5-8 reps.
Everything Belial said was good advice, the only thing I'd change is not alternating exercises for the chest (or any bodypart for that matter). Pick one and use it until you stop progressing.
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