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My weekend warrior


High End Bro
i forgot to post up last nights workout becuase me and Trinity73 had to hurry up and meet up with Cheesecake and Puttinbuttin. She another tattoo for college graduation!!!!

Friday - ME upper
Incline Nuetral Grip DB Press - 60lbs x 3 x 20 reps.

Incline Wide Grip - 185 x 5.

Standing DB Press - 30lb x 5 x 10.

incline bb tri ext - 95 x 5 x 6.

Face Pulls - 90 x 3 x 15.

that was it.

Today - ME Lower + Events
Goodmorning Squat - 335lb x 1.

Seated GM's - 365 x 3.

Pull thru's - 200lb x 5 x 5.

ab wheel - 3 x 8.

Events: (this was a funnnnnn day!!!!)
1 arm famers walk - 105lb 140 feet with 1 turn. 2 sets. (once each arm.)

Medicine Ball throws for height: 10 ball for 1 set of 10 throws.

Standing Still Shot Putt: 10 ball for 2 throws each arm.
Right Arm: 27 feet. and 25.5 feet.
Left Arm: 26 feet. and 24.5 feet.

2 arm overhead throws: 23 feet and 22 feet.

Tire Deadlifts - 600lb x 8 drop set to 400lb x 8 drop set to 200lb x 8.

Log press sitting on ground: 105 x 5 reps. 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down. (best core work i did all day!!!!!)

im going to eat now.................. SWAIN!!!!!

ooohh thats an AWESOME idea on the 1arm farmers how did that feel? do you think it will help your regular farmers walks? I got a bunch of ideas from your post...thanks alot

good job btw

does trinity train events with you?
you are a pressing machine...nice workout and i like the throws especially the medicine ball for height...and two arm overhead throws....and dont wanna leave out the tire deads(gonna have to try these) good idea.
thanks guys, i appreciate the compliments.

Revexrevex - it whats called the Repetition Method. In wsb training you go to one rep maxes every week. and then sometimes you go for higher reps to break up the training. plus it facilitates a ton of hypertrophy, which helps when you go back to the 1 rep maxes.

brain - thanks........ i gotta work hard so i can compete with you guys........ hey i told cuthbert i will be in nashville in 2 weeks from today to train with you guys so i hope you will make it.

t3c - 1 arm farmers are a lot harder. you have to really use your obliques........ one of the main reasons for doing them. and because your leaning to one side, one leg kinda stays bent, so your quads will take a beating. and quad strength helps out a good bit in the conans wheel and stones. Yeah trinity trains events with me. but her knee was killing her today so she layed off it and took the day off. but she did do some of the medicine ball throws with me. oh, and the 1 arm farmers will help out a ton becuase of the stablility. one of the only problems is having to use less weight. which i think i will solve by putting on my weight vest.

Kingc - the tire deads will really kick your butt. i pull them up to the point where you will bring your knee up to switch your hands over. but the throws were the funniest thing. i just started thinking of fun things to do with the ball. and that makes working out more fun and easier.

awesome ideas man. looked like a solid couple days and I bet you ate enough to gain some solid poundage.

i like the 1 arm farmers a lot man. a lot.
yes cheesecake you do.............. and to everyone, becuase everyone seems to love the one armed farmer idea, get ready for a killer oblique workout. im hurting and its only been 6 hours.

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