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PGF2 injection question!!

Donkey Punch

New member
Lets say Im on a chest injection day....What do you guys recommend if Im doing injections 3x per day?....Should I alternate between my pecs on that particular day and up to 4 injections?(ie 2 site injections on each pec)...or should I just focus on one pec that day?(ie 3 injection in one pec)....The first seems most appropriate to me to prevent uneven growth, but would like input from you guys...I know their is no set way to doing this yet, but Im just curious..thx in advance...DP
Why in the Hell are you injecting in the chest? That is not very wise. You are very close to smooth muscle groups within your upper torso..... Stick to the delts, arms and calves.
Most people use DMSO for the chest. I would never inject that close to my lungs with PGF2.
You can shoot the pecs

I did shoot PGF everywhere in the body.
In fact for the last 11 months i was on it for 8 months.
The last 3 months only in the bi's and tri's. No size gains, hehehe.
When shooting the pecs, your worry should be your heart muscle. Stay away from that one.
In my opinion, that is the only place to avoid besides your dicky.
I don't really suggest shooting anywhere but shoulders and arms....

But if you REALLY want to shoot chest (which I did many, many times) I would shoot each side of the chest 3 times a day. Or even twice... but shoot both sides at the same time. Instead of 1 cc in one side... shoot 1/2 cc in both. Until you get to the point of shooting 1 cc in each. And then up your dosage as needed.
I didn't notice any real change in side effects when injecting chest, except for the shortness of breath part, and tightness in the chest and neck... which 2thick pointed out.... being closer to the lungs.
Other than that... it went without a problem.
Stay away from the chest and abs. You don't need dmso for pgf2a as it will absorb directly through the skin. DMSO may help some however...

Hit both sides of the muscle group. If you are doing bis, hit both bis at the same time 3x per day for a total of 6 injects.

You do know to use an insulin needle.....?

Stay away from chest and abs.

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