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Hernia popped out on other side, training anyway!!!


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For all of you that want to know what dedication is:

Last year I was doing squats and I felt pressure in my groin area. Next morning noticed an egg right above my pubic line. Of course I went to the hospital that day and the Doc told me it was a hernia that evolves when the testes decend at birth and the hole which they pass through does not heal completely. Overtime, with pressure, a portion of the intestine could find its way through, thus causing the bulge. In any event I got it taken care of w/ an out patient operation. Couldnt lift for 3 weeks. So, got back into the game and since that operation put on some very serious muscle. You see when shit like that happens it gets me mad and it pushes me even harder.

So, Im a tough guy right!! You bet because last week, during squats ,405 to be exact "POP" A hernia reared its ugly head on the other side of my groin. So, back to the hospital for another procedure. The way I figure it, with both sides stronger than ever I am good to go. The bottom line is that nothing and I repeat nothing can stop the PUNCH. A true lifter finds strength in any form of adversity. LOL

"The other day a lady came up to me and said," I would love to touch your body", I said," I dont blame you".
Dude I think I might have a hernia...
I get this burning sensation just where umm... the pubic hair starts... lower ab area...
The burning sensation only happens when I squat... it doesn't feel like its inside of me.. but just on the skin... it feels like my clothes are pinching me or something even though they aren't... does this sound like signs of a hernia to you?
Originally posted by DrBones
Dude I think I might have a hernia...
I get this burning sensation just where umm... the pubic hair starts... lower ab area...
The burning sensation only happens when I squat... it doesn't feel like its inside of me.. but just on the skin... it feels like my clothes are pinching me or something even though they aren't... does this sound like signs of a hernia to you?

This sounds more like you are pinching some pubes or something perhaps from the weight belt moving shit around down there or something w/ your boxers, the intestines pushing through your abdominal wall wouldnt give you a burning sensation as far as I know, Im no expert on hernia's though.

And I too am horrified at the thought of a hernia, although the fact that you (punch) were back in the game after only 3wks is comforting. I seem to be more afraid of getting one when I do deadlifts then squating.
I don't wear a weight belt.... maybe I'm gaining too much fat bulking and its pinching together... ripping out pubes...
I dunno... I'll keep experimenting with the boxer position...
Thanks for the info though
Ryan I experienced a similar sensation when I started squatting and my strength coach said "Don't worry about it--you're just using muscles you never used before." I was dubious but it turned out he was right.

It might be your TVA.

Don't ever use a belt unless you are maxing out.

Feww... what your saying is very reassuring.. I actually just started doing free weight squats about 2 months ago after about 5 years of training with very minimal leg work... So you very well could be right... I never use a belt, straps, gloves, or anything else other than chalk.. and I only use chalk for deads... so its definitely not a belt problem..
Whats TVA by the way?
Transversus Abdominalis. It's the muscle that encircles your abdomen and is the main stabilizer for squats. It is also the muscle you use to "suck in your gut." You definitely want to learn to recuit it rather than use a belt.

In many instances, there is little one can do to prevent hernia. Especially if you are born with it as is my case. If you lift hard and train balls to the walls you are at risk of getting ailments that normal people dont. The key is to get it taken care of, heal, then attack the wieghts again.

Oh by the way, you will know you have hernia by a bulge in the skin. There is no burning sensation ( at least not in my case ). In fact yesterday I did a total of 75 reps w/ squatts and it didnt bother me at all. I will be going under the knife in 2-3 weeks.
that kinda knuckle headed never say die spirit is a sure fired way to lost a testicle - or two.

if u've got an injury u've got to take it into account in ur training, not just bang away regardless.

if i were u i'd get along to one of those fertility clinics and store some sperm, just in case u squat real heavy one day and lose both cogs.
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