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Dposey's SF 5x5 Journal

Friday 4/14/06 - Week 6 - Day 3

105 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 5
180 x 3
140 x 8 (Back-off)

Bench Press:
85 x 5
100 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
115 x 8 (Back-off)

Power Cleans:
75 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 3

Hammer Curls:
30s x 8
30s x 8
30s x 8

BW x 8
BW x 7
BW x 6

Today was a pretty decent workout day. I nailed 180x3 on squats with fuel in the tank, I'm definitely seeing progress in these. I didn't get a chance to microload yet (Been busy) so I just went for 155 on bench. I got it, although it was difficult and Monday is feeling iffy...bench is definitely my worst lift and it's kind of pissing me off. Oh well though, everything else is going good. Gym was way too packed.
Monday 4/17/06 - Week 7 - Day 1

105 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 5
180 x 5 PR

Bench Press:
85 x 5
100 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3 Fail

Power Cleans:
75 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5 PR

Weighted Hyperextensions:
BW+45 x 8
BW+45 x 8
BW+45 x 8

Needsize Crunches:
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5

Today's workout was so-so. Squats and power cleans went fine as always. Bench went shitty as always. I really don't do well with low rep benching. I'm thinking of taking a break from flat bench for awhile and doing something else, like a push-up program to increase my push-ups for basic training. I dunno, I'll think about it and see what I want to do. I know that the bench press is a core lift and shouldn't be discarded but I'm just not doing well with it right now.
Wednesday 4/19/06 - Week 7 - Day 2

105 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5

Push Press:
75 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 5
105 x 5
120 x 4 Fail

115 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 5 PR

BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5

Needsize Crunches:
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5
BW+25 x 5

Today's workout went pretty well. I failed again on Push Press and I think it's because I'm starting out too high. What do you guys think? I added just 5 pounds to the deadlift this time instead of 10, starting to slow down a bit, but I'm happy with how 210x5 went. I'll keep adding 5 pounds to this. Overall, it was decent.
I think PR's 2 weeks in a row are a good thing, but after that I'd be deloading on principle (so as not to get too carried away with trying to make it 3 in a row)

good progress
Friday 4/21/06 - Week 7 - Day 3

105 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 5
185 x 3
140 x 8 (Back-off)


Power Cleans:
65 x 5
80 x 5
95 x 5
105 x 5
120 x 3

Hammer Curls:
30s x 8
30s x 8
30s x 8

I couldn't imagine doing any tricep work after the push-ups so I did some abwork instead.

I got to the gym late today but I still managed a pretty good workout. I'm really happy with the squat progression, 185 wasn't too bad. I'm hoping to get up to at least 200 pounds before this run ends. Power cleans went pretty good, I decreased the poundage a bit at the bottom so that I wasn't so fatigued at the top and I think I'll do the same for push press on wednesday. I got 120 and I was happy with my form, hoping to get this up to 135 before my first SF 5x5 run ends.

So, here's a little summary of where I'm at now:
Squat: 185x3
Bench: 150x5
Deadlift: 210x5
Push Press: 115x5
Power Cleans: 120x3

I'm thinking of scaling back my bench to 135 and working up again, this time focusing more on form. I might do the same to my push press (Scale it back to 100 or so?) if I fail again on 120x5 this Wednesday. As for the squats, cleans, and deadlifts, I'm going to keep up with 5 pounds per week until I stall. Once I stall on all of those I might consider ending this first run and doing something else. What I'm going to do I don't know...not sure how to transition into anothe program. Maybe I'll just run another one and switch up the exercises a bit. I want to try barbell rows instead of cleans just so I can learn how to do them correctly, as well as front squats on Wednesday and military press instead of push press. July 25th I'm leaving for training so in early July I'm going to get rid of most of my upper body work (Save for chin-ups) and work on my push-ups via the "Drop and give me 100" program that was posted awhile back. I'm also going to work on improving my sit-ups and 1.5 mile time.

So, any comments? Advice? I'd love to hear what you guys think. :)
I'll comment more later, just finished training myself, but why pushups and no bench today?

Wait, I caught a glimpse of mile run time and "drop and give me" - you're either a protitute, or you're planning on going into the army or corp. or something, eh?
I've just been dreading the bench lately so I skipped it today and did some push-ups instead. Not the best idea I guess, but I was just getting discouraged with it. I haven't scaled back with it since even before I started the Rippetoe program even though my progress on it has pretty much stopped. So I think I'm going to start Monday with 135x5 and work my way up with it like I said in my previous post. Hopefully I can work back up to 155x5 and actually get it this time before I'm done with this run. Should be doable.

And yeah, going into the Navy. After basic and tech school I should be able to focus more on lifting, but I do have to get through basic and I'd like to be one of the top recruits as far as fitness goes so I'm going to cater my training to their style a few weeks before shipping out.
Get some microplates - 1.25 lb. plates so you can make 2.5 lb. jumps. It'll probably help you when you get to a point like this again.

Could also ratchet up your diet a bit more to ensure you get stronger.

Also, try dextrose pre-workout - might benefit you. It helps me.

But yeah, all else fails, scaling back and ramping back up is the way to go.

Maybe try scaling back to 80% of your current PR, then the next week hit 90%, then try again. That means drop to 120, go up to 135, then try at 150 again. Just a little trick I learned, seems to work well.
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