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Colstreamer's 2012 transformation contest log

Reps bro, half the reps. Bloody auto correct on my phone......
I would advise you to NEVER do behind back presses (or pulldowns) as they will do nothing but fuck up your shoulders.
Yeah I've heard that, thing us BTN doesn't aggravate my right delt pain like regular OHP does. Neither do handstand push ups... Also I use VERY light weights for this routine, it's more about time under tension than lifting heavy.
Got it man.
Try em Bounce, they bloody hard!
Yeah I've heard that, thing us BTN doesn't aggravate my right delt pain like regular OHP does. Neither do handstand push ups... Also I use VERY light weights for this routine, it's more about time under tension than lifting heavy.

Ya, they can be real rough on your shoulders. But some people can do them, others cant.

Like you said, just make sure NOT to go very heavy, and pay extra attention to your form....its gotta be damn near perfect on these. Doing them behind the neck puts more emphasis on the middle delt head.

personally, I think upright rows are worse for shoulders than BTN exercises, granted you do them correctly.

The main thing is to watch for internal rotation of the humerus(upper arm). Its actually more common than you might think. People working there chest, and front delts more than they're back and rear delts can cause constant internal rotation. That why you see alot of guys walking around with there arms and back kinda bent and in front of there body, because they only workout the Mirror Muscles and its pulling there shoulders forward.

IMO, if you have balanced shoulder muscles and back muscles, btn presses can have there place. I wouldnt do them every workout tho. And IF it hurts or is uncomfortable than STOP immediately.
For you plat members. hahah Couple pics of Arnold doing BTN presses and Chris Cormier doin em too. U kinda get an idea of the position your shoulder should be in when doing these. They work, but be careful and not everyone can do em. Flexibility is very important for these
Ya, they can be real rough on your shoulders. But some people can do them, others cant.

Like you said, just make sure NOT to go very heavy, and pay extra attention to your form....its gotta be damn near perfect on these. Doing them behind the neck puts more emphasis on the middle delt head.

personally, I think upright rows are worse for shoulders than BTN exercises, granted you do them correctly.

The main thing is to watch for internal rotation of the humerus(upper arm). Its actually more common than you might think. People working there chest, and front delts more than they're back and rear delts can cause constant internal rotation. That why you see alot of guys walking around with there arms and back kinda bent and in front of there body, because they only workout the Mirror Muscles and its pulling there shoulders forward.

IMO, if you have balanced shoulder muscles and back muscles, btn presses can have there place. I wouldnt do them every workout tho. And IF it hurts or is uncomfortable than STOP immediately.

Thanks for that. I've noticed btn presses work the middle delt better too. I really think if one is hurting and the other isn't its best to do the one which doesn't hurt!
Right, 2 contestants have their photos up already. And D is looking bloody good! She's gotta be in the running for a top 3 place!

All I've really managed is to lose some weight and shrink my legs :( well I knew that was gonna happen as my foot condition has prevented me from lifting anything heavy with my legs.

My bodyfat is down to 12.5% now which is still higher than I wanted, I was aiming for 10%. Apart from that I can't complain. I feel I've done well for myself just fell short of the goals I set myself but I've got the rest of my life to achieve them! :)
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