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Approved Log My TRT cycle Log


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Hello everyone, a great pleasure to be here with you. I would like to thank everyone for their help on the previous post with my photo. I'm new to the forum, I don't know if I'm posting in the right section and in the right format, sorry about that.
I'm 46 years old, 5'8", 174 pounds. I started my TRT with 125mg/week of sustanon (I've taken 2 doses so far) and I'm not sure if this is the best ester for this or if cypionate would be more indicated. I have a lot of sensitivity with aromatization.

Age: 46
174 pounds
Muscle mass: 40 kg
% BF: 10,5

Muscle Mass: 45kg
% BF: 7%
Sustanon 125mg/week (undetermined time²)

Hematocrit: 50.7%

Diet: 2.500 kcal
CHO: 290g (45%)
PROT: 270g (42%)
LIP: 38g (13%)

Meal1 (6h):
Whey Protein 20g
Yogurt 200ml
Oat 30g
Whole grain bread 2 slices
Golden linseed 10g
Omega 3 - 2 caps
Creatine 6g

Meal 2 (9h):
2 boiled egg
120g rice
1 apple

Meal 3 (12h):
150 g boiled sweet potato
150 g of chicken breast
Broccoli 120g
Green leaves 60g

Meal 4 (14h): pré workout
1 banana
1 serving of pre workout

Meal 5 (16h) - pos workout 1
200ml skimmed milk
30g whey
30g oatmeal

Meal 6 (17:30h) - pos workout 2
20g Albumin or 2 eggs
100g rice

Meal 7 (20h):
150 g boiled sweet potato
150 g of chicken breast
Broccoli 120g
Green leaves 60g
Meal 8 (22:30)
5ml coconut oil
20g whey
20g albumin
150ml yogurt
1 apple

ps: no alcohol, no sugar and no garbage day

ABC training 7 times a week
Chest x Biceps
Back x Triceps
leg x shoulder
Cardio walking 5.5 on the treadmill or jogging 30-40 min post workout 5 to 6 times a week

I've been doing this routine for a while and my best was 42 pounds of muscle for 8.5% BF but lately I've been getting 40 pounds of muscle for 9 or 10% BF. I would like to reach 45 pounds of muscle with 7% BF. What can I improve in this planning? (diet, training, drugs...)
Thank you very much, I will post the results.

This is my current photo from the day 26 march 2023


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Hello everyone, a great pleasure to be here with you. I would like to thank everyone for their help on the previous post with my photo. I'm new to the forum, I don't know if I'm posting in the right section and in the right format, sorry about that.
I'm 46 years old, 5'8", 174 pounds. I started my TRT with 125mg/week of sustanon (I've taken 2 doses so far) and I'm not sure if this is the best ester for this or if cypionate would be more indicated. I have a lot of sensitivity with aromatization.

Age: 46
174 pounds
Muscle mass: 40 kg
% BF: 10,5

Muscle Mass: 45kg
% BF: 7%
Sustanon 125mg/week (undetermined time²)

Hematocrit: 50.7%

Diet: 2.500 kcal
CHO: 290g (45%)
PROT: 270g (42%)
LIP: 38g (13%)

Meal1 (6h):
Whey Protein 20g
Yogurt 200ml
Oat 30g
Whole grain bread 2 slices
Golden linseed 10g
Omega 3 - 2 caps
Creatine 6g

Meal 2 (9h):
2 boiled egg
120g rice
1 apple

Meal 3 (12h):
150 g boiled sweet potato
150 g of chicken breast
Broccoli 120g
Green leaves 60g

Meal 4 (14h): pré workout
1 banana
1 serving of pre workout

Meal 5 (16h) - pos workout 1
200ml skimmed milk
30g whey
30g oatmeal

Meal 6 (17:30h) - pos workout 2
20g Albumin or 2 eggs
100g rice

Meal 7 (20h):
150 g boiled sweet potato
150 g of chicken breast
Broccoli 120g
Green leaves 60g
Meal 8 (22:30)
5ml coconut oil
20g whey
20g albumin
150ml yogurt
1 apple

ps: no alcohol, no sugar and no garbage day

ABC training 7 times a week
Chest x Biceps
Back x Triceps
leg x shoulder
Cardio walking 5.5 on the treadmill or jogging 30-40 min post workout 5 to 6 times a week

I've been doing this routine for a while and my best was 42 pounds of muscle for 8.5% BF but lately I've been getting 40 pounds of muscle for 9 or 10% BF. I would like to reach 45 pounds of muscle with 7% BF. What can I improve in this planning? (diet, training, drugs...)
Thank you very much, I will post the results.

This is my current photo from the day 26 march 2023
I'm happy to see you share your log @leandropirulito and you look really good.

What I'd like to see is your training actual set and reps.

Please post for 2 weeks training details, sets reps and exercises so we can talk how you can improve.

And your diet, is this the same ever day or you change? most guys changing a lot
Thanks for the answer.
My workout:
Routine A
bench press on the 4x8a10 machine
incline dumbbell bench press 4x8a10
decline bench press 4x8a10 + 1x to failure
Peck Deck 3x8a10 + 1dropset
W Bar Biceps 4x8-10
Dumbbell Biceps Rotation 4x8a10
Bicep curls on the scott machine 3x10+1 dropset

Routine B
chin up 4x8-10
wide grip low row 4x8-10 +1 to failure
Triangle lat pulldown 4-8-10
one arm dumbbel row 4x10 dont stop
parallel bar dips 4x10
dumbbel lyng triceps extension 4x8-10
4x8-10 one-sided french press DB

Routine C:
Back Squat 12/15/10/08/
Romain Deadlift 15/12/10/08/
Unilateral leg press 3x8-10 dont stop
Knee extension machine 3x8-10
Lying leg curl machine 3x8-10
Military Press (smith machine) 4x8-10
Dumbbell shoulder abduction 3-8x10 + 1 to failure
dumbbell shoulder flexion 4x8-10
Calf press (leg press) 12/15/10/08 + 1 dropset

ps: abdominal machine every other day 4x10a12

I've been following this diet steadily for about 3 months but I've stalled in muscle weight and %BF. I follow the same diet every day.
Any help is welcome
good training you going to swap that up?
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