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Stop or Continue Cycle? Possible Liver Toxicity

doesnt sound like its because of the helladrol... but i would still stop NOW

something might be wrong big time or it might pass in 3 days... who knows.. but its only been 1 week so i would stop and see what happens.

Once it clears up you can jump back in with 100% intensity.

good luck
Thanks for the advice guys. I decided to stop my cycle as of yesterday which really sucks.

I will probably do another cycle in about two weeks, but this time will only do katandrol since my previous experience had little to no sides with that.
Personally I would get a Check up, sounds to me like you also have Hypertension along with a few other things!
Thats the best advice i can offer as i work at a hospital.
I was thinking about a checkup.. But I'm feeling better already and the symptoms above are already disappearing. For some reason though, I've developed a cough, which is most likely separate from all this.

How long should I wait until my next cycle?
Hey all, need some major help.

Currently running my 2nd cycle (helladrol 75mg at 6 weeks) [log here]and began experiencing the following symptoms and sides in the first week:

  • fatigue/depression/tired, almost everyday for a few hrs
  • nausea, gagging like i am going to puke, the past 3-4 days
  • stomach cramping since yesterday
  • major gas, some stinky ass ones at times
  • mild headaches throughout the day since start of cycle
  • a few occurrences of blood in stool
  • one occurrence of light dripping of blood after stools (may have been from heavy lifting squat day)
  • light diahrea this morning, with a dark greener color
I am up 6lbs in the first week, strength is already improving, but do not know if i should continue or stop the cycle. It sounds almost like liver toxicity, but I could just be sick from something else. I eat a meal before anything is taken, and my carbs is currently 225-250g everyday, with the same amount of protein. I'm 5'6, 158lbs, 10% - 10.5% BF. Here is currently what I am taking:

  • Helladrol - 75/75/75/75/75/75
  • CEL cycle assist (8 caps split)
  • Beta maxx (6 caps ED)
  • HCGenerate (5 caps - 3am, 2pm)
  • Costco Multivitamin
  • Fish Oil
  • Standard whey protein (2 a day) at 52g protein each
  • Mass gainer shake (1 a day) at 62g protein

My Proposed Plan
  1. Option 1: continue cycle, order forged liver support or liver juice. while waiting, order a liver support from a local store.
  2. Option 2: stop consuming helladrol, order katandrol (due to non liver toxic and previous no-issue experience). while waiting for a week, just cycle HCGenerate. finish 4 week cycle with katanadrol. My changed cycle would look like this:

    • Week 1 - Helladrol 75mg ED
      Week 2 - HCGenerate 7 caps split ED
      Week 3-6 - Katanadrol v2.0 250mg ED
  3. Option 3: stop cycle altogether

My Questions
  1. Has anyone experienced this? Is this liver toxicity? I ran beastdrol/katanadrol and did not experience this.
  2. What option is best for me?
  3. If i continue, what liver support/protectant do you all recommend me buying at a local store until forged liver support comes? I dont think CEL cycle assist is enough obviously.

Bro, usually the first sign of liver toxicity is jaundice.. yellowing of the eyeballs and skin. I have a cousin who had similar symptoms as u and turns out it was a stomach ulsar and a hemmroid... bottomline is if ur that concerned get some bloods ran asap
Thanks guys. I am pretty sure I have hemroid, had bleeding in the past but I hope it's not an ulcer.


Assuming i am fully recovered, how long should I wait until I start my next cycle, considering I only did a week of hella? Do I need to be doing PCT right now?
Yeah you definitely have piles mate, without question. But its the others side effects that are worrying. I would wait at least 6 months of living healthily before you consider steroids, and then keep it simple.
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