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sagi kalev... top shape

I agree with you NY on most points. However, I don't want to get meat head roles. That's not very challenging. I guess if one just wants those kinds of roles, then get jacked and you'll get them. You just won't get very far because those guys are a dime a dozen. Arnold broke the mold and it won't happen again.

I'll never shrink down to nothing, or normal. My point being I probably won't be able to stay the size that I am. My fiance is an actress, and yes has done lots of work in film, tv, etc, and told me the same thing. You will probably have to shrink down a little, but stay lean. It really just comes down to what you want to look like and what you want to do with it.
Hey guys,

Thank you very much for your kind words. Please write me here anytime and I will try to do my best to answer you all.

I am at 58.5,lol and weight about 202 At this time. I am leaving to LA this friday for a shoot so it looks like i will be at the high 198lb.

I been staying in this low body fat life style since 2002. Once you learn your body it's much easier to know how far you can get outof shape before you get back into shape. My goals is a litile different than some of the other guys out there. I am truly not trying to get any bigger and since my last show i only put 15lb. My first shoot for M&F was in 2003 and since then all i been working on is how to get better and to learn as much as i can to help others in their shows.
I guess next time whn i stop here and see what you guys have to say i will tel you more about my diet and what i take to stay like that.
I have my own believes and so far it's been working with 25 people and more for big shows.
Thank you again for wellcome me to the site. I know we can help each other by been and sharing TOP secrects.

It's all about what kind of massage you want to speard. Some people look small on 205lb. I look at 205 like i am 220-230.

That's why I am trying forall my shoots to come very dry but a lower on the weight.
i love this thread!
this is the kinds of threads ive wanted to see here on Ef (thou every one informative)
ive also wanted to learn more and more about fitness modelling and stuff that comes whit it.

and u Sagi are one of my top favorites.

this should be a sticky...something like "the fitness modelling thread" or something.
Re: sagi kalev... top shape.. mak???

Just been floating around different sites and came across a dude called sagi kalev. he says hes about 5`8 @200 in top, top shape. he remains around 5-8% year round, thats the way to stay in my opinion. always lean.
anyone seen pics of this guy. what u think?
how would one maintain a super lean physique year round for photo shots, prob be moderate cals i guess. prob is it`d hard to pack more size on as will always wanna stay hard and lean.

probably takes a base line of test all year with primo/gh.
not to mention clen or cytomel. just my guess.

But the thing with these guys is they are freaks to begin with and they stay relatively lean all year then when a photoshoot arrives they just drop the carbs for 3 days and voila.
World of modeling and acting is so fucking tough.

I've got a buddy who is about 6'4" 230lbs 8% body fat. He wants to model and he's got the connections... But he's been told he's got to get down to 195lbs. Unbelievable if you ask me. He's down to like 205lbs now, and I can just see him getting smaller and smaller. He really wants it though, he's dedicated and he's scaling his size down big time.
World of modeling and acting is so fucking tough.

I've got a buddy who is about 6'4" 230lbs 8% body fat. He wants to model and he's got the connections... But he's been told he's got to get down to 195lbs. Unbelievable if you ask me. He's down to like 205lbs now, and I can just see him getting smaller and smaller. He really wants it though, he's dedicated and he's scaling his size down big time.

no offense to your friend but what the hell is so great about being a male model? so you can stand in front of a camera and look pretty? can't be any money in it.
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no offense to your friend but what the hell is so great about being a male model? so you can stand in front of a camera and look pretty? can't be any money in it.

Yes there is money, as well as connections for other jobs in the industry and business opportunities. Not to mention the popularity and all the prime USDA pussy in the world.
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