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Diet critique please!


New member
Hey guys, new to the forums but ive been reading around quite a bit lately. Made myself a diet plan, just wanna get some advice from more experienced people.

21 Male
25-33% BF. Highest measurement on scales, lowest using calipers on myself, so not totally sure.

Meal 1: 50g Muesli. Protein Shake w/ milk.
Meal 2: Apple + 15 Almonds
Meal 3: 150g Tuna + 100g Green Beans
Meal 4: Banana + 15 Almonds
Meal 5: 200g Chicken breast + 200g veg (combo of Broccoli, Zucchini or Asparagus)
Meal 6: Protein Shake w/ milk

At least 2 liters of water.
Sometimes a green tea.

Just under 2000 cal at 25/45/35 carb/pro/fat.
Ive been doing this for a little under a week, so no weigh in yet. I feel okay most of the day, though if my timings off I get hungry pretty quick. I do Muay Thai kickboxing twice a week for an hour, and try for 2-3 weights sessions. Honestly I do miss workouts often, no real excuse. Ive got a holiday in 12 weeks and want to be in the best shape possible by then. Long term goal is 95kgs/210lbs.

Ive cycled Clen once before. Poor results as my diet was horrible, I didnt count anything or make a plan, and ended up eating crap quite often. Ive got another cycle ready to go, but I'm not doing it until I see results from proper diet and exercise.

Basically, Id like any suggestions regarding this diet, and also regarding the diet when I do decide to run the Clen.

Thanks in advance!
How tall are you.. U ran clen once before and your 250lbs..... Do everyone and yourself a favor throw away the clen and stop looking at a pill to get you skinny, and FYI 1800k calories is to little and unrealistic for a man that ways 250....
Do cardio but read up on hiit; it's an advanced cardio fat loss technique.
Also google clen and heart problems. It is dangerous especially for someone who is overweight.
I recomped my body I was about 315 lbs 6"2 39% bf and dropped to 205. I didnt like it because I felt skinny. Now I am 235 lbs about 11-12%.
I did it by completely changing my lifestyle.
I would cut the milk out. Especially in meal 6. Milk contains sugar and can increase your insulin which causes fat to be stored. Overall I would reccomend dramatically reducing all carbs good and bad until you get to 15%. I kept carbs below 50g a day and protein at 350g the rest came from fat. Some will knock this, but its worked for me.
Dont be afraid of fat int the absence of carbs.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using EliteFitness
I won't knock it how ever there is a lot of speculation on low carb and high Carb do what work best for you, cut out milk and replace with water like said above and cardio
Do everyone and yourself a favor throw away the clen and stop looking at a pill to get you skinny

As ive stated, I am not going to use Clen until i see consistent results from proper diet and exercise. Even then, I may not.

Thanks for the replies, after a week on this and admittedly little exercise im down 1kg.

In regards to the calories, most calculators ive used put my BMR at 2500 or thereabouts and TDEE with light exercise around 3300. According to my count, Im taking in 1977 a day. Is it too little? If I was to stick to my exercise plan, 2x 1hr Kickboxing. 1-2x weights session. 1-2x cardio ~30min. Would I need to increase my intake to account for that? Or could I get by on 2000cal?
Hey guys, new to the forums but ive been reading around quite a bit lately. Made myself a diet plan, just wanna get some advice from more experienced people.

21 Male
25-33% BF. Highest measurement on scales, lowest using calipers on myself, so not totally sure.

Meal 1: 50g Muesli. Protein Shake w/ milk.
Meal 2: Apple + 15 Almonds
Meal 3: 150g Tuna + 100g Green Beans
Meal 4: Banana + 15 Almonds
Meal 5: 200g Chicken breast + 200g veg (combo of Broccoli, Zucchini or Asparagus)
Meal 6: Protein Shake w/ milk

At least 2 liters of water.
Sometimes a green tea.

Just under 2000 cal at 25/45/35 carb/pro/fat.
Ive been doing this for a little under a week, so no weigh in yet. I feel okay most of the day, though if my timings off I get hungry pretty quick. I do Muay Thai kickboxing twice a week for an hour, and try for 2-3 weights sessions. Honestly I do miss workouts often, no real excuse. Ive got a holiday in 12 weeks and want to be in the best shape possible by then. Long term goal is 95kgs/210lbs.

Ive cycled Clen once before. Poor results as my diet was horrible, I didnt count anything or make a plan, and ended up eating crap quite often. Ive got another cycle ready to go, but I'm not doing it until I see results from proper diet and exercise.

Basically, Id like any suggestions regarding this diet, and also regarding the diet when I do decide to run the Clen.

Thanks in advance!

Alright, first, forget the diet you have. Do a complete 180 and change your diet to a full CKD. Dieting with milk and fruits is just going to keep your bodyfat % high. I suggest a 2 week CKD run with no refeed followed by a 6/1 split for your CKD/Refeed.

Clen, drop the idea, you're not ready. You can, however, use N2Burn in AM and before your workout, along with HCGenerate to help boost your testosterone naturally.
Alright, first, forget the diet you have. Do a complete 180 and change your diet to a full CKD. Dieting with milk and fruits is just going to keep your bodyfat % high. I suggest a 2 week CKD run with no refeed followed by a 6/1 split for your CKD/Refeed.

Clen, drop the idea, you're not ready. You can, however, use N2Burn in AM and before your workout, along with HCGenerate to help boost your testosterone naturally.

That is solid advice right there!
Alright, first, forget the diet you have. Do a complete 180 and change your diet to a full CKD. Dieting with milk and fruits is just going to keep your bodyfat % high. I suggest a 2 week CKD run with no refeed followed by a 6/1 split for your CKD/Refeed.

Clen, drop the idea, you're not ready. You can, however, use N2Burn in AM and before your workout, along with HCGenerate to help boost your testosterone naturally.

Thanks for the reply, Ive just read up a little on CKD, is it as simple as adjusting macros to suit or is there more to it? Any sites youd recommend for calculators or plan help?

One concern I do have, I found that yesterday during my Muay Thai session I was absolutely wrecked. Could barely stand after the session and got a bit dizzy a couple of times. Would that simply be because of the calorie deficit? Obviously fat loss at this stage is my main concern, but I still need to be able to train efficiently.

Not planning on Clen anytime soon, its just a rarity here in Australia so when I had it available to me I grabbed some.

Thanks again guys, replies are very helpful!
Yeah because you are 30% BF and out of shape.
Eat better and do cardio... It's going to take time.
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