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Approved Log My lifestyle Diet Training Prep log

sounds like you pissed someone off and they slashed your tires LOL
Nope it was 100% on me. Sometimes I miss having a truck lol. Although this car is way more fun to drive.
Alright so I missed shoulder day unfortunately but will try and get to the gym Saturday to make up for it. Today was leg day. Started off with 10 minutes elliptical and finished with 10 minutes.

Hammer strength squat: 12x90 12x180 10x230 8x250
Calf raise: 15x155 15x175 15x195 15x215
Machine leg press: 15x275 12x295 12x315 12x335
Seated leg curl: 20x135 20x135 16x135 12x135
Leg extension: 15x120 15x120 15x120 12x120

Good workout. I used the regular leg press machine instead of the hammer strength leg press because it was taken. Also attached a picture of the hammer strength squat machine since someone was asking about it. Also attaching a picture of our dinner last night. Salmon, veggies and rice. Also still eating my usual breakfast and chicken, rice and veggies around 11am and again at 2pm.
Today was back day. Usually I would do biceps with back but going to do them tomorrow with shoulders instead.

Barbell row: 12x135 12x155 8x175 6x185 1x225
Wide grip lat pulldown: 12x120 10x135 8x150 15x105
Cable seated row: 15x120 15x120 10x135 10x135
Straight arm pulldown: 4 sets of 15 80 pounds(increasing weight next week)

Gym was hot this morning but nothing I couldnt handle. 15 minutes cardio before and after. Feeling good!
great workout
Well it arrived! See pic. Also still got N2Guard on order. I ordered it a couple days late and somehow didn’t put my whole address on the order so it probably won’t be here til Wednesday or Thursday. With that being said, am I ok to go ahead and start the cycle Monday with 200mg test E Monday then again on Thursday and 40mg/day Tbol? I wouldn’t think a couple days would hurt. Also I got 23gauge 1.5 inch syringe. The reviews I read for them had quite a few people stating they worked great for TRT so thinking that should work?


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Well it arrived! See pic. Also still got N2Guard on order. I ordered it a couple days late and somehow didn’t put my whole address on the order so it probably won’t be here til Wednesday or Thursday. With that being said, am I ok to go ahead and start the cycle Monday with 200mg test E Monday then again on Thursday and 40mg/day Tbol? I wouldn’t think a couple days would hurt. Also I got 23gauge 1.5 inch syringe. The reviews I read for them had quite a few people stating they worked great for TRT so thinking that should work?
@BrightFuture HOT HOT HOT tochdown, LOVE d-s gear
you start monday but start up a NEW log on EF too we want to see this trt/tbol log

for the pins no problem 23g/1.5 do it
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