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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log


EF Logger
My official cycle log is finally here! Thank you everyone for all the guidance. All gear from

Weeks 1-10
Test E 400mg (200 on Monday and 200 on Thursday).
Armidex .5mg eod

Weeks 1-7
Tbol 40mg everyday before workout.

Weeks 11-15
20mg Nolvadex everyday
.5mg Armidex everyday

I weigh around 220 pounds but will check weight tomorrow morning before gym and update back here. Also ordered something to give me a good idea of body fat percentage and will post that here once I have it. Bloodwork done recently was good and will get more bloodwork done after cycle.

Training will be a 5 day split Monday-Friday
Arms plus bench press

30 minutes cardio everyday plus 2 mile jog on Saturday and Sunday.

Diet will be:

Breakfast: 6 scrambled eggs, 2 packets of protein oatmeal after workout
Lunch 1: Chicken, rice and veggies
Lunch 2: Chicken, rice and veggies
Dinner: Salmon/tuna etc with veggies.

Also planning to eat a steak on either Friday or Saturday night. No cheat meals planned. Want to do this right.

I am super pumped and excited to do this. I also have pictures posted and unfortunately they aren’t very flattering but that’s just more motivation. Ready to hit this and hit this hard!


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Well it’s been a great day! Got up this morning and took my 40mg of Tbol with some water then hit the gym. Started with 15 minutes cardio and ended with that.

Barbell bench warm up: Barx15 95x10 115x10
Barbell bench: 135x6 135x6 135x4 135x5
Hammer strength incline: 45x12 55x10 65x8 75x6
Dumbbell bench: 45x10 50x8 55x8 60x6
Machine fly: 70x15 85x15 100x15 115x12
Tricep dip: 90x15 140x12 140x12 140x12
High pulley tricep pushdown: 40x15 50x12 60x10 40x15

After workout I had a protein shake and 6 scrambled eggs with 2 packets of oatmeal. Also had my first Test E does of 200mg. Next one is Thursday! Feeling great! Tomorrow is back and biceps.
Also wanted to note how much easier getting dumbbells into position for dumbbell bench was. In the past that was always a struggle but today it felt quite easy which mean I can push harder next time.
My official cycle log is finally here! Thank you everyone for all the guidance. All gear from

Weeks 1-10
Test E 400mg (200 on Monday and 200 on Thursday).
Armidex .5mg eod

Weeks 1-7
Tbol 40mg everyday before workout.

Weeks 11-15
20mg Nolvadex everyday
.5mg Armidex everyday

I weigh around 220 pounds but will check weight tomorrow morning before gym and update back here. Also ordered something to give me a good idea of body fat percentage and will post that here once I have it. Bloodwork done recently was good and will get more bloodwork done after cycle.

Training will be a 5 day split Monday-Friday
Arms plus bench press

30 minutes cardio everyday plus 2 mile jog on Saturday and Sunday.

Diet will be:

Breakfast: 6 scrambled eggs, 2 packets of protein oatmeal after workout
Lunch 1: Chicken, rice and veggies
Lunch 2: Chicken, rice and veggies
Dinner: Salmon/tuna etc with veggies.

Also planning to eat a steak on either Friday or Saturday night. No cheat meals planned. Want to do this right.

I am super pumped and excited to do this. I also have pictures posted and unfortunately they aren’t very flattering but that’s just more motivation. Ready to hit this and hit this hard!
@BrightFuture you're a superbeast

smart move using his gear is SUPER legit

i want to see you SHRED this cycle
that's a good commitment right off the bat for no cheat meals
make sure you stay honest though and if something does happen make sure you report it
I like your consistency planning
that is going to be important it will pay off
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