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Approved Log My lifestyle Diet Training Prep log

Monstro says 135kg right?
I wish. 135 pounds but trying to get better. Granted I only recently started bench pressing. I used to just do dumbbells.
So had a good weekend. Went on a 2 mile jog yesterday. Today was chest and triceps. Repsxweight:

Barbell bench: 6x135 7x135 4x135 5x135
Hammer strength incline press: 12x45 10x70 8x80 5x85
Dumbbell bench: 10x40 10x45 7x55
Machine fly: 15x75 15x75 12x90 8x105
Tricep dip: 12x180 20x90 20x90 18x90
Tricep push down: 20x70 17x80 12x90 20x60

For barbell bench I feel like I should be able to hit 10 reps on that first set. I mean I hit 1 more rep on the second set but i don’t know if maybe I am not warming up enough for the movement. This could be a very real possibility. Usually just warm up with the bar. Thinking Friday I will do 3 warm up sets, 1st with bar, 2nd with 95 pounds and 3rd with 115. I am also going to be dumbbell bench pressing as well moving forward. I actually did more sets on dumbbell bench than was listed here I just didn’t log them because I was primarily just practicing getting them into position. I have gotten a lot stronger for sure because getting them into position was much easier than the past!

I also did 10 minutes of cardio to start and to finish off.
So had a good weekend. Went on a 2 mile jog yesterday. Today was chest and triceps. Repsxweight:

Barbell bench: 6x135 7x135 4x135 5x135
Hammer strength incline press: 12x45 10x70 8x80 5x85
Dumbbell bench: 10x40 10x45 7x55
Machine fly: 15x75 15x75 12x90 8x105
Tricep dip: 12x180 20x90 20x90 18x90
Tricep push down: 20x70 17x80 12x90 20x60

For barbell bench I feel like I should be able to hit 10 reps on that first set. I mean I hit 1 more rep on the second set but i don’t know if maybe I am not warming up enough for the movement. This could be a very real possibility. Usually just warm up with the bar. Thinking Friday I will do 3 warm up sets, 1st with bar, 2nd with 95 pounds and 3rd with 115. I am also going to be dumbbell bench pressing as well moving forward. I actually did more sets on dumbbell bench than was listed here I just didn’t log them because I was primarily just practicing getting them into position. I have gotten a lot stronger for sure because getting them into position was much easier than the past!

I also did 10 minutes of cardio to start and to finish off.
@BrightFuture 10min cardio perfect i like that start lets make it 15min
i think you can do more if you warm up more lets get more warm up sets bro
Today was back day. Usually I would do biceps with back but going to do them tomorrow with shoulders instead.

Barbell row: 12x135 12x155 8x175 6x185 1x225
Wide grip lat pulldown: 12x120 10x135 8x150 15x105
Cable seated row: 15x120 15x120 10x135 10x135
Straight arm pulldown: 4 sets of 15 80 pounds(increasing weight next week)

Gym was hot this morning but nothing I couldnt handle. 15 minutes cardio before and after. Feeling good!
Today was back day. Usually I would do biceps with back but going to do them tomorrow with shoulders instead.

Barbell row: 12x135 12x155 8x175 6x185 1x225
Wide grip lat pulldown: 12x120 10x135 8x150 15x105
Cable seated row: 15x120 15x120 10x135 10x135
Straight arm pulldown: 4 sets of 15 80 pounds(increasing weight next week)

Gym was hot this morning but nothing I couldnt handle. 15 minutes cardio before and after. Feeling good!
@BrightFuture cardio I like DO MORE :)
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