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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log

Alright so I took a couple days off. Mentally I have not been in the best place. I hate to admit that. The last couple years have been the hardest of my life but I have made a lot of progress. The last few days just a lot of things had been creeping up mentally and it’s killed my motivation. Disappointed in myself because I know going to gym would only help. Maybe I should have been posting it on here. It’s also not related to drugs or alcohol. Well I am back now and got a date night with my wife. Tomorrow back in the gym and will be sure to stay there. Sometimes I just gotta deal with this and not let it stop me from what I really want to do or from becoming the person I want to be.

Diet is still in check though!
Alright so I took a couple days off. Mentally I have not been in the best place. I hate to admit that. The last couple years have been the hardest of my life but I have made a lot of progress. The last few days just a lot of things had been creeping up mentally and it’s killed my motivation. Disappointed in myself because I know going to gym would only help. Maybe I should have been posting it on here. It’s also not related to drugs or alcohol. Well I am back now and got a date night with my wife. Tomorrow back in the gym and will be sure to stay there. Sometimes I just gotta deal with this and not let it stop me from what I really want to do or from becoming the person I want to be.

Diet is still in check though!
@BrightFuture welcome back to the grind playa
we happy to see you again
dont let hard times get to you we have you here on EF and we support you
Been a great weekend and today was pretty awesome. Went to gym and worked on chest. Plan moving forward is to do the hammer incline chest press on chest day then the dumbbell flat bench on arm day. Think this should be a lot more manageable for my left shoulder.

Hammer strength chest press: 45x20 70x12 80x12 90x10 100x6
Machine fly: 70x15 85x15 100x15 115x12 130x10
Machine dips: 140x15 160x15 180x12 200x10
Dumbbell incline fly: 4 sets of 15 with 20 pounds
Tricep pushdown: 80x25 90x20 100x12 110x12

Feeling great! Also did 30 minutes cardio to start and 15 minutes to end. Will post of up meal prep pics later.
Been a great weekend and today was pretty awesome. Went to gym and worked on chest. Plan moving forward is to do the hammer incline chest press on chest day then the dumbbell flat bench on arm day. Think this should be a lot more manageable for my left shoulder.

Hammer strength chest press: 45x20 70x12 80x12 90x10 100x6
Machine fly: 70x15 85x15 100x15 115x12 130x10
Machine dips: 140x15 160x15 180x12 200x10
Dumbbell incline fly: 4 sets of 15 with 20 pounds
Tricep pushdown: 80x25 90x20 100x12 110x12

Feeling great! Also did 30 minutes cardio to start and 15 minutes to end. Will post of up meal prep pics later.
@BrightFuture hows the results for you? I want to see an updated pic please

Meal prep picture attached. Tomorrow is back/biceps.
killer meals :)
@BrightFuture hows the results for you? I want to see an updated pic please

killer meals :)
Alright. I will try and have my wife take some pictures later today or tomorrow. My favorite improvement has definitely been my shoulders. Although the last 2 weeks I haven’t been myself so hopefully that hasn’t slowed me down too much. Either way I am pretty happy with the strength gains I have made. Been a great learning experience and I have t had any reactions since I switched to the Beligas gear.

I know my second cycle that I will do will be much smoother. Glad I got the injection issues figured it out.
Alright. I will try and have my wife take some pictures later today or tomorrow. My favorite improvement has definitely been my shoulders. Although the last 2 weeks I haven’t been myself so hopefully that hasn’t slowed me down too much. Either way I am pretty happy with the strength gains I have made. Been a great learning experience and I have t had any reactions since I switched to the Beligas gear.

I know my second cycle that I will do will be much smoother. Glad I got the injection issues figured it out.
@BrightFuture sure take the picture lets see it bro :)
Also, a side note my balls are doing just fine. They haven’t changed at all. I also don’t believe I have had any estrogen issues either.
Good workout this morning. No cardio and I cut everything short by 1 set because my daughter has her driver permit test this morning so I couldn’t be in the gym for as long as I wanted.

Barbell row: 135x12 175x10 185x8 205x6
Hammer lat pulldown: 90x12 100x12 110x10 120x7
Cable row: 120x12 135x12 150x12 165x8
vbar lat pulldown: 120x15 120x15
Straight arm pulldown: 100x15 100x15 100x12
Cable curl: 80x12 80x12 90x12

Good fun workout. Might go back to gym later today so I can get my cardio in. I would just go for a run but it’s way too hot outside. This summer is going to be extremely hot. It is always hot here but this summer is expected to be worse than usual. Atleast the beach is only a couple hours away.
Also, a side note my balls are doing just fine. They haven’t changed at all. I also don’t believe I have had any estrogen issues either.
@BrightFuture no e2 issue is perfect, you did bloods or how?

Good workout this morning. No cardio and I cut everything short by 1 set because my daughter has her driver permit test this morning so I couldn’t be in the gym for as long as I wanted.

Barbell row: 135x12 175x10 185x8 205x6
Hammer lat pulldown: 90x12 100x12 110x10 120x7
Cable row: 120x12 135x12 150x12 165x8
vbar lat pulldown: 120x15 120x15
Straight arm pulldown: 100x15 100x15 100x12
Cable curl: 80x12 80x12 90x12

Good fun workout. Might go back to gym later today so I can get my cardio in. I would just go for a run but it’s way too hot outside. This summer is going to be extremely hot. It is always hot here but this summer is expected to be worse than usual. Atleast the beach is only a couple hours away.
nice wrokout stay at this but HOT is normal you push through the heat
though i noticed on rows you staying at 12 reps UP to 15 reps please 2 sets
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