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UNEXPLAINED weight gain for years. Someone please help.

Without seeing her diet, and I mean daily diet not "her diet is good" I can't really help you. I would suggest she contacts one of the women using the Anafit Method to lose weight. The one that I think she'd do best with, and who btw has lost 105 pounds, is at [email protected]
Unless she's ill there is a no question that the Anafit Method will turn her around.
Post up the diet and training.Maybe it"s in the diet but I would find a different doctor to talk to about this also.I"ve read about people gaining that type of weight with either kidney or liver issues before but not sure if they had a thyroid problem also. My sister-in-law has to take thyroid meds and her weight is now a battle even doing the cardio and always on a diet.
Her diet is excellent. It can be as extreme as 100grams of protien with 20g fat and 20 carbs with 2hrs cardio per day split in two sessions and lifting and she wont lose a lb. Then she can have a normal 1800 cal diet that consists of mainly protien and some healthy fats with maybe a little oatmeal or something and still same thing. Then she can also have cheat meals like pizza and stuff and her weight will still remain the same. She will just gradually keep adding about 2lbs per month and nothing will budge. I know for a fact its not her diet. She has been into nutrition and this game for like 5years. Its def something medical.
The 700cal diet was only for a few days to see if she would lose wieght. Nothing happened. Basically she can eat between 700-3000cals and nothng changes. Just a slow increase in weight. Now she went off her thyroid meds for about 1week and gained 4lbs while only eating about 700cals. She has been back on for like 3weeks now and still hasnt dropped those 4lbs gained. She gained another 1 or 2 on top of that. If its not estrogen or progesterone i have a feeling its gotta be the adreanal fatigue. Were gonna get her cortisol levels checked. If it was adrenal fatigue, cortisol would be extra high right?

The oddest part about all this is she weighs 185 but doesnt even look like she is overweight at all. She looks about 150. Its almost like the extra 30-40lbs she has is not supposed to be there.
that sucks bro sound like a complete endo workup is needed

on a sidenote there was that guy in mexico that weighed like 1000lbs. had a normal life and normal body weight up until his early 20s or so, was married, but then he started putting on weight without explanation til he could not get out of the house anymore, etc. they did blood work and found everything normal and even his heart, BP and stuff was still in good shape at that weight. at any rate they suspect some sort of virus may be responsible for cases like this, although they just do not have a very good handle yet on mystery cases like this. i think he was going to have his stomach stapled but i have not heard anymore about him recently.
She is consuming more calories than she is burning. Either she's not being honest about her diet, or she's a total anomole.
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