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Arms stuck at 17"

Switching things up can help sometimes. Even changing equipment. I prefer the 12-15 rep range to failure for many of my sets on arm work. I also like to use dropsets, even ones where Ive hit 85 straight reps. I do a minimum of 12 sets for triceps and 12 for biceps. I can relate to your problem. My arms were stuck in the 17's for four years! I only gained 1/4 inch per year during that period. My training was very intense as always but the gains were very slow. Im not sure why it took so long,but it eventually came to pass and I hit 18". Now In the last 6 months Ive gone from 17 3/4" to 18 3/4", nearly 19". I ended up taking a long lay off when I hurt my back a year ago, and I only trained my arms for a month, about 2X a week. Couldnt train anything else. I gained a quarter inch just in that 1-2 month period. Then my gym closed down and I started training at another gym, that combined with low doses of M1T and Ive gained an inch in 6 months. I train arms atleast once a week, and sometimes biceps get hit twice if I do them on my back day. Adding in hammer curls also may have helped. I do alot of pressing which may help with my triceps also, but they are still my weak point. The best advice I can give is to be persistent, maybe try some changes in the routine, and eat even more if possible. I try to keep my protein at a consistent 200 grams per day, but dont always make that either. Fucked up intestines dont help. Not sure of my bodyfat, but Im around 200. Heres some pics with my arms at 18 1/2", theyre slightly bigger now. Dont get too discouraged, try to look to the end of the year to chart all your progress. A 1/4 inch a 1/2 inch, it all adds up. Be sure to keep a chart once a year with some pics, helps alot.:


Have you tried changing your workout routine? Working out in the morning and evening....I tried that, and I couldnt give it 100percent doing it that way. Unles s you use slin, should be good to put carbs back into your body for the evening.
I have tried different routines, and this one seems to allow me to be more intense with each bodypart without overtraining. It seems if I workout 4 days a week for more than a few weeks, I get sick or exhausted, or both. That is another reason why I do two workouts a day for three days.

I've done chest with biceps and back with triceps, but for some reason I feel I get a better workout doing it the way I am now. My chest, back, thighs, and shoulders are growing slowly but consistently, but my arms and calves are just not growing like I would like them to. I've already decided to do calves twice a week, I just haven't decided which days to do them. As far as arms, well, that's why I posted here :)

WalkingBeast, thanks for sharing your experience. Its encouraging to read someone else was stuck in this same situation with there arms and now has over 18 1/2" arms now. I know I will see 18" on my arms, it's just a matter of figuring out what works for me.
yomama said:
Do you juice?

I did three cycles about 3-4 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing, but went from 180-225. First "cycle" was winstrol only, and I gained alot of strength, but no real mass (of course). The second was deca only. That's where most of the mass came from, but it shut me down severly afterwards. I jumped on a test cycle shortly thereafter that put a few more pounds on. If I knew then what I know now, I'd still be close to 225 I believe. My diet/routine/PCT was pathetic. After a period of time, I dropped back down in strength, and bodyweight. I'm unsure if I'll ever juice again. I almost did a cycle of test enth. a couple months ago, but backed out when my IBS got so bad. Plus, I just feel like I can make a little more progress naturally.
neilio said:
I did three cycles about 3-4 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing, but went from 180-225. First "cycle" was winstrol only, and I gained alot of strength, but no real mass (of course). The second was deca only. That's where most of the mass came from, but it shut me down severly afterwards. I jumped on a test cycle shortly thereafter that put a few more pounds on. If I knew then what I know now, I'd still be close to 225 I believe. My diet/routine/PCT was pathetic. After a period of time, I dropped back down in strength, and bodyweight. I'm unsure if I'll ever juice again. I almost did a cycle of test enth. a couple months ago, but backed out when my IBS got so bad. Plus, I just feel like I can make a little more progress naturally.
Maybe you're reached your capacity on your biceps, naturally.
Well 17' aint bad bro!!! :)

I agree with the others, Hammers are fantastic, i always start with these, luv em to death!!! When i find my biceps get stuck i chuck in some german volume on them every other week for 2 months. The routine i use for this is...

10sets x 10reps: Hammer Curl
10sets x 10reps: Preacher EZ bar Curl
10sets x 10reps: French Press
10sets x 10reps: Close Grip Bench

Alot of sets? Yes
Overtraining? Probably!
Shock technique? Hell yeah!
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