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The start of a year long cycle

Hey man I hope it all works out to.sounds like things are going you way..sweet u up in NC.I have a buddy just moved there for work from down ima run my first tren ace (fina brewed) cycle I'm ready to see what tren can do to transform me..hey how much prami are you taking how are you dosing it?

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Tren is some good stuff! I'm at 500mg a week right now. The side effects taper off after a few weeks. At least for me anyway.

The ex that kidnapped her youngest son many years ago has been charged with felony parental kidnapping! And because he crossed state lines with the child it is also a federal crime! This boy is about to get spanked!
Yeah it is! I just hope the feds/locals aren't panzis when it comes to sentencing him.

So I start back up at the gym tomorrow. I have been off for two weeks. In a week, I will be adding in S4, and Osta. Can't wait to see the results. Plus my diet is more "normal" if you will, not strictly a ckd diet, but I follow the methodology so to speak.
Looking forward to hearing about your expereince with S4. I have a bottle of that laying around collecting dust..LOL.
OMG, I had hell night last night! Think I had food poisoning from eating a turkey sandwich. I had the dry heaves, felt like death crawled up my ass and started spawining, not too mention it felt like I had done 1 million sit ups. Plus, I had/have heart burn from the 19th level of hell too!
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