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Approved Log Slyder 2024 cut cycle

keep up the good work and the consistency
Legs went well and knee did good. I did what I thought was a good amount without over doing it. Knee should be solid by next week I hope.


Leg press machine triple set

Wide high feet 4x12

Narrow center feet 4x12

Horizontal Seated Calf raise machine 4x20 ,

210,250, 290, 310

Smith machine set at box squat
3 set of 12
90, 180,180

Leg curls 4x12 90

Leg extensions 6x12 90,110,130,150,170,190

Had some time so I did som bicep work
Glad to hear the knee did good
Update and answer to some questions asked on last log.
Couple weeks in and so far so good.
Current dose as will stay here.

1. Testosterone cyp 400 per week - 200 mg per ml inject twice per week 1 ml each pin
2. Primo 400 per week- 100mg per ml inject twice per week 2 ml each pin.
3. Remidex and tomoxifin 1 tab each( don’t remember dose ) 24 hrs after inject.
4. HGH 2iu each day for 5 day then off 2 day
Hoping to start anavar soon

So far injections have gone smooth. No pip or pain.
Can’t say I feel any thing. Chest muscle feel a bit fuller. Could be placebo effect.
Trying primo cause it should not raise my BP like tren did. Might add tren at end but we shall see.
Back day yesterday with trainer. Try and make a list. Not sure on all weights. He was loading and I was just lifting.

1.chest supported t bar row. 4x10-70 lbs
2. Nautilus Lat pull down 4x15
3. Dumbell row. 3x10-70 lb
4 pull down machine seated sideways. 1 lat at a time. 4x 12 45 lb
5 overhand high row machine.4x12-90lb each side
6. Lat pull down reverse grip medium mag pull 4x 20- 100 lb
7. Single hand lat straight arm pull down
4x15 - 45 lb
8. Smith machine bent over rows, 4x12 - 100 lb straight into shrugs 4x20
Back day yesterday with trainer. Try and make a list. Not sure on all weights. He was loading and I was just lifting.

1.chest supported t bar row. 4x10-70 lbs
2. Nautilus Lat pull down 4x15
3. Dumbell row. 3x10-70 lb
4 pull down machine seated sideways. 1 lat at a time. 4x 12 45 lb
5 overhand high row machine.4x12-90lb each side
6. Lat pull down reverse grip medium mag pull 4x 20- 100 lb
7. Single hand lat straight arm pull down
4x15 - 45 lb
8. Smith machine bent over rows, 4x12 - 100 lb straight into shrugs 4x20
@Slyderkt Solid workout updates man.........
Update and answer to some questions asked on last log.
Couple weeks in and so far so good.
Current dose as will stay here.

1. Testosterone cyp 400 per week - 200 mg per ml inject twice per week 1 ml each pin
2. Primo 400 per week- 100mg per ml inject twice per week 2 ml each pin.
3. Remidex and tomoxifin 1 tab each( don’t remember dose ) 24 hrs after inject.
4. HGH 2iu each day for 5 day then off 2 day
Hoping to start anavar soon

So far injections have gone smooth. No pip or pain.
Can’t say I feel any thing. Chest muscle feel a bit fuller. Could be placebo effect.
Trying primo cause it should not raise my BP like tren did. Might add tren at end but we shall see.
@Slyderkt you can start anavar that will be a nice cycle
how about some gear pics for us please? :)

and you're not feeling because takes time bro

Back day yesterday with trainer. Try and make a list. Not sure on all weights. He was loading and I was just lifting.

1.chest supported t bar row. 4x10-70 lbs
2. Nautilus Lat pull down 4x15
3. Dumbell row. 3x10-70 lb
4 pull down machine seated sideways. 1 lat at a time. 4x 12 45 lb
5 overhand high row machine.4x12-90lb each side
6. Lat pull down reverse grip medium mag pull 4x 20- 100 lb
7. Single hand lat straight arm pull down
4x15 - 45 lb
8. Smith machine bent over rows, 4x12 - 100 lb straight into shrugs 4x20
see training is good but things like rows need to go up to 20 reps
Last Thursday was day with trainer.
Things were kinda strange.
I felt it a couple days prior but just thought it was soreness. My joints had started to hurt some. By Thursday they definitely felt different. Kinda dry feeling and sore.
I battle my estrogen on cycle. Normally I have to use AI to keep it down and some times don’t know when it is too high. I have never had it too low.
Last cycle I was able to keep prolactin down but estrogen was up. tren was cause of that.
No tren this cycle but do have primo. I started with same ai set up as the tren.
Remidex and tamoxifen with each injection. Tamoxifen keeps prolactin down. And keeps my lump from forming in right breast. Remindex keeps the estrogen down.
So after Thursday I had the idea maybe I had dropped my estrogen to low. That was an injection day. So I skipped the ai. Here I am on Saturday and things already feel better.
I am going to skip ai next injection on Monday the the following one next Thursday I will go to half dose. Should be starting the Anavar next week also.
Other than that today in gym felt great. I am enjoying this clean mild cycle.

Question. I don’t remember how long before you start to feel the anavar.
I am not getting greedy, hahaha. Just wondering. I know it’s not a huge feeling. Just nice and subtle.
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