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tbol update

i'm on day 16 i believe, no one was checking the thread so i quit bumping. i'm still only up about 5lbs hoping to get more, bench was up 10lbs more on the second set yesterday. i'll post how arms goes tonite. at this point my assessment of tbol is a better version of winny in that the strength gains and pumps are just as good if not better and there is no joint pain. also if i put on 10lbs after all is said and done, it has a mass gaining edge as well being that 3-5lbs is all i can gain on winny with a bulking diet in 4 weeks. oh yea no sides at all thus far. sleeping great no night sweats which i got with winny, libido still increased. no complaints at all. there is no bloat its all lean mass and i am getting new veins. peace out i'll holler again tonite after workout
Wow I hate to sound fucking ifnorant but by tbol do you mean Turanabol? Sorry for the dumb=ass question lol...
Thanks columbia. I haven't used any yet but this shit sounds good from what you all are saying. What do you guys recommend, like BD Turanabol? What other types of tbol are there?
Prince77 said:
What do you guys recommend, like BD Turanabol? What other types of tbol are there?

yeah bro...definately go with BD tbol. the only other compnay i know about is IP...thoug i don't recommend using their shit. it's really hit or miss with IP. there may be some other UG labs that make it too but i don't know of any.
just came from the gym, bicep curls up 10lbs on drag curls, and triceps were up 5lbs on the dumbell skull crushers. i can't even touch my shoulder with my finger my arms are so pumped
bruce410 said:
just came from the gym, bicep curls up 10lbs on drag curls, and triceps were up 5lbs on the dumbell skull crushers. i can't even touch my shoulder with my finger my arms are so pumped

i love that feeling
I'm on day 4 of my T-Bol cycle @ 40mg ed. Starting to see some strength gains and muscles are hardening up.

I won't be seeing any weight gain because i'm on a calorie deficit, but i'm liking the T-Bol so far... :)
Has anyone tryed the paper T-bol?If so how were your results?
And is turinabol the same as turanabol?
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