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severe acne problem

Go to the source of the problem instead of sticking a bandaid on it. Try using finesteride and/or try the topical Azelic acid (skinoren in Europe) both work on DHT which activates the sebaceous glands in the first place. If you want to go the Vitamin A route (drying out the sebaceous glands), I would stick with retin-A .1% it is more a localized treatment, you can find it through some european pharms online (they dont make 1% in the states) same with the Azelic acid. As far as the other anti-bacterial agents they can be usualful short lived. The body gets use to them pretty quick (triclosan, benz ect..), the best thing to do is to continously switch products (active ingredients), to keep the body guessing. A good product to get the oil off the skin is dermolgicas Dermal clay cleanser, it kind feels like a mud pack and you can wear it as a mask. So to work all different aspects would be the best approach (anti-DHT, dry the skin out, a anti bacteria, and something to strip the skin of existing oil). As far as Accutane, dont be a dipshit no one should be on that drug without frequent blood work. Someone who recommends that must like to gamble with there health. The drug is very hard on the liver and kidneys. Most doctors will take blood tests every 2 weeks for patients on it. Mix that with like 3 different anabolics and you fall in the class of STUPID. I was on it 3 times in HS and every time I was pissing and shitting blood (fun fun fun). With the topical Retin-A and the skinoren, be patient they take time to work (remember Vitamin A is fat solouble, so it will accumulate over time). Peace , be safe.
rottweiler75 said:
As far as Accutane, dont be a dipshit no one should be on that drug without frequent blood work. I was on it 3 times in HS and every time I was pissing and shitting blood (fun fun fun).

It is correct that Accutane is quite a potent antibiotic and blood tests are recommended however your experience with the blood
is quite rare. In fact, I have never heard of this situation with
the use of Accutane.

My recommendation...

Go to your Dermatologist, get a script for the accutane and take
a blood test every 6-8 weeks (or follow your doctors
recommendation if more often).

Be sure to purchase some Blistex Medicated Lip Lotion (for
chapped lips). DO NOT USE REGULAR CHAP STICK. This will
just cover up the chapped lips and not heal them.

Also be sure to wash and clean your face 2-4 times per day and
apply a non-comodegenic cream after each wash.

These precautionary measures will take care of 98% of the
problems associated with Accutane and will have your body
cleared up within a few weeks.

Good luck!
Your Doctor isnt aloud to give a script without a clean blood test, so usually you will have to get blood work every month.

b-5 works! 7-10grams a day

www, has an amazing sale. Buy 2 bottles get 3 free.
I hear ya on the acne, it pisses me off to no end. I think that shaving certain areas of your body can aggravate the situation as well. I used to shave my forearms, and although it can look good to be all 'shaved up' within 7-10 days it would look like I had chicken pox from all the acne.

Haven't done a real cycle in years but am on the HRT thing now with test 200mg/week and HGH 1 IU 6 days/week. Everything's starting to kick in now after a couple of months and I'm getting that absurd acne on my shoulders.

Last thing I'm going to do is go whining to my doctor since he'll probably want to cut the test dosage so before I do that I'm going to try the B5 and hit the tanning bed more. That article on B5 sounds really promising, and it looks like it has other good effects besides just acne reduction.

I'm also going to up my zinc intake and start saw palmetto 320/mg ED, since I've heard these really help to cut DHT which is another catalyst to acne.
Isotretinoin may infrequently cause pancreatic disease
(pancreatitis), which rarely can be fatal. Stop taking this
medication and tell your doctor immediately if you develop:
severe stomach pain, severe or persistent nausea/vomiting.
Stop taking this medication and tell your doctor immediately
if you develop these unlikely but serious side effects: severe
headache, vision changes, ringing in the ears or hearing loss,
dark urine or yellowing eyes and skin, severe diarrhea, rectal
<<straight from the insert when you buy the drug from rite aid. Ya it is rare just like sexual side effects are rare on SSRI's. Point is dont mess around with the drug, unless your getting frequent blood work.
I have never heard of it being called a "potent antibotic" before either. It is actually a mega does of vitamin A that dries the sebaceous glands out. There is also alot of scaring that goes along with the treatment in alot of cases. HMMM sounds like a great drug to me.
rottweiler75 said:
Go to the source of the problem instead of sticking a bandaid on it. Try using finesteride and/or try the topical Azelic acid (skinoren in Europe) both work on DHT which activates the sebaceous glands in the first place. If you want to go the Vitamin A route (drying out the sebaceous glands), I would stick with retin-A .1% it is more a localized treatment
thanks bro would you know where i could get info on ordering some of these products? every time i start clearing up,more appear its like almost every pore on my back/shoulders is a zit.i am embarressed to wear my sleveless shirts and no way in hell would i go shirtless my back looks like shit,this sux.its almost enough to make me go natural,almost.
Put a cup or 2 of bleach in your bath and sit in it for 20 minutes 2-3 times a week. That's worked well for me.
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