Well weighed on this morning 355.2 it seems like the weight is just falling off right now. That makes a total loss of 28.8 lbs lost since the beginning of the contest and I haven't even started my weight loss stack yet. That starts monday
Daym Ryan thats just outstanding bro.
Congrats on the fat loss my good man. I know its not easy by any means but you sure make it look that way.
Good for you bro.
Now go killdatshit!
No its definitely not easy and the best part is that I'm not having any muscle or strength lose at all. Actually I'm still increasing even after being off cycle for over two weeks now.
Not the best tri and chest workout tonight. Felt real weak bit did my best. I think its because I worked out so late after a tweleve hour work day in the heat. Oh well gotta let it go and move on