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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log

Attached are dinner picture for tonight and my protein powder. Trying to cut back on the rice. So lots of veggies and salmon tonight. Also still eating my chicken, veggies and rice twice a day. Although starting next week I will do chicken, veggies and rice once a day and then chicken and lots of veggies after that so I can cut down the carbs.


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Yesterday I went for a 1 mile jog in the evening. Today was my second dose of Test E and it went smoothly. I might bump the TBOL up to 60mg. Today was leg day.

Hammer squat: 180x12 230x10 250x8 270x6
Romanian deadlift: 115x12 115x12 115x12
Leg press: 280x12 300x12 320x8
Calf raise: 215x15 215x15 215x15 215x15
Leg Curl: 135x20 150x12 150x12 150x10
Leg extension: 120x15 120x15 120x15 120x15

Felt amazing! Also did 10 minutes of cardio before and after. I find cardio to be particularly tough on leg days but will go back to the 15 minutes before and after starting tomorrow. All in all I feel great!
@BrightFuture on leg day push more cardio so CRAZY leg pumps
Attached are dinner picture for tonight and my protein powder. Trying to cut back on the rice. So lots of veggies and salmon tonight. Also still eating my chicken, veggies and rice twice a day. Although starting next week I will do chicken, veggies and rice once a day and then chicken and lots of veggies after that so I can cut down the carbs.
@BrightFuture i like the meal stack with some protein
Alright so yesterday was bench press plus arms. One major note when it comes to bench. The weight itself doesn’t feel that heavy but I notice after about 4-5 reps my left shoulder seemingly doesn’t want to stabilize anymore and it makes it harder to keep going. I have definitely gotten stronger because 2 months ago I couldn’t even do 135 for 1 rep. I do have a history of issues with that left shoulder but none of them are serious and doctors encourage lifting. I don’t seem to have this problem with dumbbell bench. I have noticed around my gym most of the big guys seem to stick with dumbbell bench over barbell. Should I continue trying with the barbell bench or should I just stick to dumbbells?

Barbell bench: 135x6 135x7 135x6
EZ Bar tricep extension: 70x10 70x10 70x10 70x10
Cable tricep pushdown: 80x15 80x15 80x15 80x15
Tricep dip: 90x20 140x15 140x12 140x13
Cable bicep curl: 70x15 70x15 70x15 70x12
Preacher curl: 45x12 45x12 55x10 55x7
Hammer curl: 30x12 30x12 30x12 30x12

Also took 60mg of tbol yesterday and I had the best arm pump I have ever had. I came home and my wife commented. Also noticing my arms are feeling fuller and tighter all the time. So far I have had no side effects at all. I actually feel pretty amazing. Would it be worthwhile to try 80mg of tbol? I went on a 1 mile run today. Trying the fasting thing but it’s tough because I have a huge appetite all the time(even before this),

Have a sort of cheat meal tonight. I really wanted to avoid that but i don’t think this one is really all that bad. It’s a potato soup my wife makes and it’s absolutely incredible and does have kale in it.
Also I should have took pictures of my arms yesterday will make sure I do that next time. My wife has also commented that my stomach looks flatter. I have to agree with her and I have noticed my love handles seem to be less pronounced now. Will weigh and measure myself first thing tomorrow morning and report back.
Alright so yesterday was bench press plus arms. One major note when it comes to bench. The weight itself doesn’t feel that heavy but I notice after about 4-5 reps my left shoulder seemingly doesn’t want to stabilize anymore and it makes it harder to keep going. I have definitely gotten stronger because 2 months ago I couldn’t even do 135 for 1 rep. I do have a history of issues with that left shoulder but none of them are serious and doctors encourage lifting. I don’t seem to have this problem with dumbbell bench. I have noticed around my gym most of the big guys seem to stick with dumbbell bench over barbell. Should I continue trying with the barbell bench or should I just stick to dumbbells?

Barbell bench: 135x6 135x7 135x6
EZ Bar tricep extension: 70x10 70x10 70x10 70x10
Cable tricep pushdown: 80x15 80x15 80x15 80x15
Tricep dip: 90x20 140x15 140x12 140x13
Cable bicep curl: 70x15 70x15 70x15 70x12
Preacher curl: 45x12 45x12 55x10 55x7
Hammer curl: 30x12 30x12 30x12 30x12

Also took 60mg of tbol yesterday and I had the best arm pump I have ever had. I came home and my wife commented. Also noticing my arms are feeling fuller and tighter all the time. So far I have had no side effects at all. I actually feel pretty amazing. Would it be worthwhile to try 80mg of tbol? I went on a 1 mile run today. Trying the fasting thing but it’s tough because I have a huge appetite all the time(even before this),

Have a sort of cheat meal tonight. I really wanted to avoid that but i don’t think this one is really all that bad. It’s a potato soup my wife makes and it’s absolutely incredible and does have kale in it.
Also I should have took pictures of my arms yesterday will make sure I do that next time. My wife has also commented that my stomach looks flatter. I have to agree with her and I have noticed my love handles seem to be less pronounced now. Will weigh and measure myself first thing tomorrow morning and report back.
@BrightFuture come on no pics, we are waiting for big pics ;)
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