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im sick.. what to do.


New member
Im in the middle of my cycle (dbol and sust). Im on my last week of dbol and i came down with a bad head cold. It feels like i have a sinus infection or something. Its kept me out of the gym the pass 2 days.

My question is... do I continue my dbol and weekly injections? Today is my injection day, but i feel miserable. Ive been taking cold medicine, tons of vitamin C and zinc, and still eating the same meals. Just feeling like shit and cant work out.

any advice?
You have to do the best you can and work through it. The AAS will be hindering your recovery though, so reduce your training over the next couple of weeks. And add some Echinacea at high doses to help your immune system.
Definately keep taking everything as scheduled. Me when I get sick while on I'll take a week off from lifting and let my body recuperate. Just tryin keep your diet on point as you can that will keep you from doing to much damage to your progress. Good Luck hope you feel better BRo!
ruggermu said:
Definately keep taking everything as scheduled. Me when I get sick while on I'll take a week off from lifting and let my body recuperate. Just tryin keep your diet on point as you can that will keep you from doing to much damage to your progress. Good Luck hope you feel better BRo!

Yeah, this is what to do. Do not go back into the gym until you feel up to it. If you go off the cycle you will really crash hard and probably get worse.
keep going with aas, rest. if it's a sinus infection take antibiotics and drink lots of juice and NO milk products.
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