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IFBB Pro Bulker

instant.muscle said:
if hes doin 3g of test and 1g of deca y is he running tren at 75mg EOD when some people on here run 75 or 100mg ED

Ok you guys are not going to believe this. But back like in 1999 or 2000. I knew this old guy in his late 40's. I mention about him here from time to time. And he said that he has trained with Vince Taylor before. And supposedly that they are good friends. Well anyways, that according to Vince Taylor, Vince told my friend Rene that you only need to take 2 shots of Tren a week. In other words only 200mgs per week. That anything above that is totally unncessary and only causes nasty sides. Gyno being one, stomach distention, losss of appetite, constipation, lack of sleep ( lack of GH production and muscle growth ). The list goes on and on.

The guy Rene was alreayd 245lbs at 8% BF. He did a cycle of 400mgs of Test Cyp ( he never believe in taking any more than this amount of Test ), 600mgs of EQ, 50mgs of Proviron ED, 10mgs of Nolvadex ED and ONLY 200mgs of Tren per week. This motherfucker went from 245 to 263 in about 6 weeks and leaned down to 5% BF!!!!

Maybe the guys here on EF really are over exaggerating the use of Tren?????
that the same vince taylor who drinks litres of coke (with Jack D), eats two meals a day (at BK) and doesn't believe in protien. If I was a member of his species I'd probably only need 200mg tren a week too :p

the tren in Big A's cycle isnt a primary compound, the test and orals are what are doing the work.. it's just icing. I'm sure he'd run a shitload more if he was cutting.
I have been using since 1988. And up to a year and a half ago I would use around 3 to 3.5 gramss of test per week. excluding the 150mg. d-bol per day and 1.4 grams of either tren or NPP and the like per week. I had to quit cold turkey all at once. No it was not my decision. But I was fucked up very bad for around six months. I'm good now but a therapist had my doctor put me on geodon and paxil for about 3 months. But on the subject of his test levels being fine after six weeks is definately, FALSE.
alanjr said:
I have been using since 1988. And up to a year and a half ago I would use around 3 to 3.5 gramss of test per week. excluding the 150mg. d-bol per day and 1.4 grams of either tren or NPP and the like per week. I had to quit cold turkey all at once. No it was not my decision. But I was fucked up very bad for around six months. I'm good now but a therapist had my doctor put me on geodon and paxil for about 3 months. But on the subject of his test levels being fine after six weeks is definately, FALSE.

the post is two years old.
Great fucking thread fellas. This is more like it Im getting tired of the "can i drink winstrol, my ass hurts from prop etc etc.."

THREAD OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im upping my dosages as we speak!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looks like Munzters cycle -- right before he dropped dead.

I will say this. Everyone has got to stop believing that the pros are privy to some magical drugs we don't know about. Believe me, I'd know about them.

I doubt there are more than 3 guys out of the thousand or so EF members who could ever look as good as Scott, Zane, Draper, Sipes, Poole, Yorton, or any of the guys from the 60's who took nothing but a few dball. I don't care how much you take. It's genetics. Read that again. GENETICS. You got 'em or you ain't. Those those who ain't got em are wasting their money and their health trying to look remotely close to a pro by taking tons of gear.

I knew one pro who said he noticed no difference from 1 gram a week to 2 grams a week but he took 2 anyway "just in case." THAT is what the pros do. And trying to emulate it and think you're going to get near the results is ridicilous. Then of course you can claim they have a magic drug we don't know about. Nope. Sorry. They're gifted. You're not.

This line of thinking is like eating Wheaties and expecting to play hoops like Michael Jordon because HE eats them.

And oh yeah, if you believe this guys T levels are normal just because he took nolvadex, you're living in a fantasy world.
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