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Best Drink To Pack On Solid Mass

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arzhan said:
I'd been on Megamass 4000 for the last 3 months or so, but feel there should be something better than this.

Is Megamass 2000 good enough to pack on mass? I'm targettin some 15-20 pounds alongstwith Dbol/Equi/Deca

Any suggestion that could replace MegaMass2000 with any other brands. Help appreciated
I think we should all thank arzhan, whom in his sig is

"-----Bad to the blood,
------------Ripped to the bone.".

Without him, this thread may have never existed. Thank you arzhan.
Nelson Montana said:

You are so full of shit it isn't funny.

You're a liar, a phony, a fool, and a plagerist. Even your signature is plagerized.

You don't know me and you don't know what I do. And as hard as it may be to believe, I'm sure 99% of the people on this board don't care about how great of an athlete you claim to be. Who gives a flying fuck?

Fonz: A his own mind.

Some day when you grow up you'll (hopefully) realize hw ridiculous you sound. Your prattle may impress the grammar school kids here, but wait until you get into the real world.

Go ahead asswipe. Ban me. Or shut the fuck up.

Real World?

Nelson, you're talking to a guy that has travelled all over the world, attended schools in 5 different countries, lived in 5 separate countries, while visiting counltess others.

And you're talking to me about getting into the real world?


Have you even left the US?

Probably not, from the remarkable stupidity of your posts.

"I'm sure that 99% of ther people on this board don't care about bhow great an athlete you claim to be. WHo gives a Fuck?"

haha....losing your temper Nelson? Well too bad, you tried to tarnish the wrong person.

And guess what? While 99% of the people on this board probably doesn't care about my personal life(Nor should they its not exactly relevant to EF), they certainly do care about the information I post...because more often than not it tends to be accurate, and helps people develop their own personal supplemntation and AAS programs. If my information was inaccurate and completely wrong, I would certainly hope people would tell me so, so that I would learn from it.

See, I make a point of actually trying to be precise and correct in what I post regarding AAS and supplements...while you obviously don't. You have ulterior motives while I don't.

I post because I have a passion for researching and for physiological enhancement in general. I enjoy it. Its part of my life as an athlete. Always trying to find that edge that makes me a better athlete.

You on the other hand post for GREED. You are only here for the money.

Which makes you a piece of human excrement in my eyes.

Fonz said:

Real World?

Nelson, you're talking to a guy that has travelled all over the world, attended schools in 5 different countries, lived in 5 separate countries, while visiting counltess others.

And you're talking to me about getting into the real world?


Have you even left the US?

Probably not, from the remarkable stupidity of your posts.

"I'm sure that 99% of ther people on this board don't care about bhow great an athlete you claim to be. WHo gives a Fuck?"

haha....losing your temper Nelson? Well too bad, you tried to tarnish the wrong person.

And guess what? While 99% of the people on this board probably doesn't care about my personal life(Nor should they its not exactly relevant to EF), they certainly do care about the information I post...because more often than not it tends to be accurate, and helps people develop their own personal supplemntation and AAS programs. If my information was inaccurate and completely wrong, I would certainly hope people would tell me so, so that I would learn from it.

See, I make a point of actually trying to be precise and correct in what I post regarding AAS and supplements...while you obviously don't. You have ulterior motives while I don't.

I post because I have a passion for researching and for physiological enhancement in general. I enjoy it. Its part of my life as an athlete. Always trying to find that edge that makes me a better athlete.

You on the other hand post for GREED. You are only here for the money.

Which makes you a piece of human excrement in my eyes.


Human excrement? Nice. You're a class act Fonz.

Listen blowhard, I told you to ban me or shut the fuck up. So come on hot shot. Do it. Anything is better than being subjected to your endless self-aggrandizing. It's borderline psychotic.

Please...put me out of my misery. You pathetic, bitter little man you.
Actually, referring to you as a "man" is giving you too much credit. You're a kid -- a stupid, snotty know-it-all kid who doesn't even know how stupid he is. When you say things like "I bet you never left the country" you make such an ass of yourself. (Not to mention, I live in little town called Manhattan. Not cosmpolitan enough for you Mister worldly man?) What are you 26? You act like you're 14. You set yourself up to make a jackass out of yourself.

After the dust clears, at least I'll know that I helped some people. What have you done besides convince people to take 10X's more drugs than they need? Never mind. I really don't need to hear any more of your bullshit, nor does anyone else.
Losing your temper yet again Nelson?

Tsk Tsk.......

I'd expect more from a 50 year old...... :)

Bros I actually feel guilty of a sin readin thr' all this. I'd been travellin awhile and never got a chance to look until now. Whatever it is the objective of us all is same, so why get into trash speaking and blaspheming one another when we claim ourselves to be tough inside?

Lets put it all aside, get the good things in. As someone said in this thread, 'Respect to be respected' Nothing else matters.

Thanks for all your ideas bros. I think I'ld go for the N Large II drink. I saw this add 'Add Chromium Picolinate - 200mcg/100 capsules to your order for only $4.95! Gain muscle, lose fat! '
------------Any comments on this?
BigAndy69 said:
Fonz you think you are so cultured, huh? How do you say asswipe in French? Huh, Smarty pants :) :) lol


Nelson, just tried to pull the old "I know more than you and are more experienced than you because I'm 50" routine on probably the worst possible candidate for such a commetary on EF.....haha

God, I love this.

Forget banning you.

Owning you on a regular basis is much more enjoyable.

Please keep talking........ I need the amusement.

C'est regrettable Monsieur Fonz. J'aimerais bien l'ignorer, mais je crois que c'est impossible. Il vas continue a polluer les discussions.

Andy le gros a la soixante neuf
BigAndy69 said:
C'est regrettable Monsieur Fonz. J'aimerais bien l'ignorer, mais je crois que c'est impossible. Il vas continue a polluer les discussions.

Andy le gros a la soixante neuf

Oui. Je suis completement d'accord avec ta response. L'unique chose qu'il fait est de polluer presque toutes les discussions dans lequelles il participe.

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