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Bench press dropping??????? why???


New member
Last week I went into the gym and was able to get 225 once it was dificult but my rep was a smooth one, but this week actually this morning I was struggling with 205 what is the deal here??? is this normal?? I don't like regression it sucks what may have caused this???
Don't sweat it bro. It's very normal. Assuming your diet and workouts have not changed recently, you just had an off day.

If you start to drop off consistently over time, then you need to make a change. But one day? You no worry!
Shitty day I guess… Was there any reason you were trying to do a 1 time max bench? Or were you just trying to show off?
Read into some west side principles. Louie gives examples of why you tend to peak only for a week or two then your max poundages drop.

B True
I had the some problem today with DBs

Last week i did two sets 8 with the 75 (weak i know, only been lifting with a serious routine for a little under two years, also im kind of a delt lifter on chest). In the prior weeks, id finish with a set of 8 at 75. This week i couldnt get the 75s up for more than a rep, but i got a good clean set of 8 with 70s. I spent like 20 seconds on just getting the 75s up the first time and wasted a lot of energy (my spotter was pulling up on 1 dumbell while standing next to me, needless to say, he DOES NOT know how to spot).
Im quite pissed now.

I think it was cuz i was sick over most of the weekend. Although, i did legs on Sun and added weight to all my excersizes, my chest sucked balls today.

ill try it again next week
since you said you did it in the morning you might not have had enough energy to do your one rep max. Did you eat before you did it. That could possibly be the problem. Or like ingram just might have had a shitty my .02
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