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What do you think of this cycle?


New member
1 - Age - 25
2 - Lifting History- I've been lifting since I was 16
3 - Height-6'2"
4 - Weight-245lbs
5 - Estimated BF%- Havent measured in a while, but at about 21% i'd guess
6 - Diet- Low Carb- High Protein from natural foods, steaks, lots of grilled chicken, veal, the basic carnivore meals
7 - Goals- Gain 20+lbs of Lean Muscle, body fat decrease. All around i want to get bigger but hold onto the gains. This is my 4th cycle and I've kept a considerable amount of size but because of poor diet i lost some of the muscle.

I want to make it a fairly long cycle.

Allright men, what do you all think of this?

Test E 500mg wk1-16
D-bol 50mg EDwk 1-7
Winstrol 50mg ED wk11-16
Nolva 40mg ED WK 19-20
Nolva 20mg ED WK 21-22
Clomid 50mg ED WK 19-22

I know most people dont like to mix up dbol and winstrol in the same cycle, but i thought it would be good because it hardens the muscles. Also ordered have some propecia on hand but don't know where and how i should implement it in this type of cycle.

What do you think about adding 10mg's of Dbol to the PCT ED for three weeks? Give me your suggestions guys.

I will be having blood work done every 3 weeks so im not worried about that much Dbol.
At 21% I'd suggest either a test/tren cutter or no aas and the said diet you outlined with a good amount of cardio. Why would you want something that would bloat you up like dbol at that bf%?
honestly i am just guestimating the BF%. It is probably lower by a couple % but i lose BF quickly as soon as i start dieting. I have already starting dieting, so i would be sure to say that by the time its time for the cycle ill be down to 13 or 14% BF. So AAS is a go for me bro. Any other suggestions or critiques about how the cycle is planned or if its a ok cycle at all?

Thanks for the reply... the the thing is when on dbols i don't bloat when combined with a low carb diet.
i would probly only run the dbol 4-5 weeks instead of 7, is your winny tabs or inject. if its tabs then your liver may suffer with the dbol and winny with such short time in between to recover? you say this is your 4th cycle, at 25? what were your other cycles?
As long as you know how your body reacts to the compounds and you stick to your low carb diet you're good to go. I suggested tren because it's a great compound to use when dieting. Increases strength and aggression irregardless of carb intake.
karutzi said:
1 - Age - 25
2 - Lifting History- I've been lifting since I was 16
3 - Height-6'2"
4 - Weight-245lbs
5 - Estimated BF%- Havent measured in a while, but at about 21% i'd guess
6 - Diet- Low Carb- High Protein from natural foods, steaks, lots of grilled chicken, veal, the basic carnivore meals
7 - Goals- Gain 20+lbs of Lean Muscle, body fat decrease. All around i want to get bigger but hold onto the gains. This is my 4th cycle and I've kept a considerable amount of size but because of poor diet i lost some of the muscle.

I want to make it a fairly long cycle.

Allright men, what do you all think of this?

Test E 500mg wk1-16
D-bol 50mg EDwk 1-7
Winstrol 50mg ED wk11-16
Nolva 40mg ED WK 19-20
Nolva 20mg ED WK 21-22
Clomid 50mg ED WK 19-22

I know most people dont like to mix up dbol and winstrol in the same cycle, but i thought it would be good because it hardens the muscles. Also ordered have some propecia on hand but don't know where and how i should implement it in this type of cycle.

What do you think about adding 10mg's of Dbol to the PCT ED for three weeks? Give me your suggestions guys.

I will be having blood work done every 3 weeks so im not worried about that much Dbol.

I would say:

wk 1-12 test e @ 750-1000g/wk
wk 1-4 dbol @ 75mg ed
wk 9-12 winstrol @ 100mg ed
wk 9-12 nolva @ 20mg ed
PCT starts day after last winstrol use....

wk 12 start HCG (if needed) and continure to use nolva for shouldnt need clomid IMO for this cycle....but it wouldnt hurt, just DO NOT frontload clomid...take 50mg ed and keep it there...increasing the dose doesnt do nothing more than increase clomid sides, and they are not fun bro
lifthard2005 said:
I would say:

wk 1-12 test e @ 750-1000g/wk
wk 1-4 dbol @ 75mg ed
wk 9-12 winstrol @ 100mg ed
wk 9-12 nolva @ 20mg ed
PCT starts day after last winstrol use....

wk 12 start HCG (if needed) and continure to use nolva for shouldnt need clomid IMO for this cycle....but it wouldnt hurt, just DO NOT frontload clomid...take 50mg ed and keep it there...increasing the dose doesnt do nothing more than increase clomid sides, and they are not fun bro
lifthard2005, I was also thinking about upping the dose of test and Dbol but i decided not too because dbol/test and the side effects of high dosages associated with them just wouldn't be worth it. Do you honestly think that by upping the dose and shortening the cycle would be more effective (im open to change, i still have three weeks before i start)?

mattrich, My winstrol and dbol are both oral so i think that would be very liver toxic, even though i will be using milk thistle, cranberry extract, and lots of water. My first cycle was just test E at 750mg wk for 16 weeks and i went from small fry to big dog. Ever since then i've gained some muscle consistently with my other cycles, test E as a base ALWAYS at 500mg though (i love the test and the way it makes me grow) dbol/deca during second cycle, and EQ on the last one 6 months ago. After the last cycle my diet fell way off track and i have been slacking in the gym, so i gained some fat but im still fairly big. My diet in the next 3 weeks should clear up the fat problem.

52_21_30, i will eventually implement tren into my cycles but as for this one winstrol, dianabol, and test E is what i have on hand.

gettnlarge01, you got it...ill be postin up with my results
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