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the aas keep the peace comity

needtogetaas said:
if you are sick of all the bull shit fighting sine up here....
if you are sick of having to scroll threw 10 pages of shit to get to the good info sign up here.
if you are sick of people bashing others all day long sing up here
if you are sick of newbs acting like they know it all and there first ten post on this site is just bashing people sing up here
if you are ready to fucking move on and get down to helping others sign here
if you have seen my kawck pics sing up here :worried: ok skip the last one.

its high time all the bull shit fights stop around here.all the bashing and all the useless crap that has nothing to do with helping people is getting old fast...

lets band together and just say no to bull shit. :)
i'm signing up :chomp:

This is all good and fine, but what can we really do about it? Nothing!! The bad thing is, when assholes come onto this board we are subjected to their bullshit until a mod kicks them off, which hardly ever happens because I think it is probably about the money with some of these guys who are selling their snake oil. That is another thing, why in the world would I want to buy a supplement from some guy online when I can go to a reputable store either in my hometown or online and order and know that I'm probably not going to get ripped off. Anyway, I really don't see it stopping. There are some decent people here, or so it may seem, but there are way more assholes here than any other board I go on by far. And yes it makes it entertaining to a certain extent, but it also gets old afterwhile.

For instance, ROSS seemed like a cool guy at first and now he seems to have gotten so full of himself that it is almost hard to stomach even reading his stuff, same with Nelson. I just don't understand where these people learn theirt marketing skills sometimes. ROSS, actually was doing a good job at first and all of a sudden he just went meglomaniacal. I hope it gets better, I'm just not holding my breath.
^^ Umm... you know there's this brand new feature called an "ignore button" or something, right? Now, I don't know exactly what it does, but it might help out those who don't like reading certain peoples' posts.

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