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Sample Cutting Diet-Advice


New member
5"6, 132 lbs, and about 17% BF.

Past 2 months have been eating big to "get big". All clean bulk of course lots of chicken/quninoa/sweet potatoes/broccoli/whey.....yada yada. Fish oil + multiviamin.

I want to cut though seeing as it's close to beach season so I've been reading up on macros and all that stuff. Does this new diet sound good? Looking for advise to improve.

7am: 1 scoop whey+ 8 oz almond Milk +1 fruit and 12 oz black coffee WITH multi-vitamin and LIPO black fat burner
10:00am: 6 egg whites + 1 cup oats w/water.
12:30pm: 6 oz chicken/1 cup of broccoli With 1 fish oil
2:45pm: 1 can of tuna w/greek yogurt, celery, and onion.
6:00pm (post work out): 1 scoop whey w/almond milk
8:00pm: 6oz chicken/ 1 cup of broccoli

7am: 1 scoop whey+ 8 oz almond Milk+1 fruit and 12 oz black coffee with Multi vitamin+ lipo black fat burner
10:00am: 6 egg whites+ 1 slice wheat bread w/1 tbls PB
12:30pm: 2 flounder filets/ 3-4 asparagus spears
2:45pm: 6oz chicken
6:00pm: Whey with almond milk.
8:00pm: 2 flounder filets/ 1 cup broccoli

Also what should I eat on my 1 rest day? Would either of these days be ok or should I cut out out my 8:00pm meal and for my 6:00 meal eat what I would eat for my 8:00?

Any suggestions would be appreciated
UPDATE: I will also be drinking about 64 oz of water w/green tea bag (3 tea bags a day) and drinking another 64 oz a day.
I would try putting lemon in your water or a half of grape fruit in the morning..and if u could do your work out early in the morning you would burn more calories thur the day that way..

Sent from my EVO using EliteFitness
I would try putting lemon in your water or a half of grape fruit in the morning..and if u could do your work out early in the morning you would burn more calories thur the day that way..

Sent from my EVO using EliteFitness

The cutting diet plan may be different for each person. In the early morning your workout plan may be efficient very well. You should plan your cutting diet as per your body fat. Good luck to you!
It all comes down to calories....meal choices look good but you need to plug them in and figure out how many calories and what the macro breakdown actually is.
You could reverse diet. Keep protein high and maybe think about adding in IF or doing CBL or a hybrid of the two.
I would suggest aiming for -10% 5 days a week and maintenance 2 days a week, check the scale, and get stick around -.5 lb a week or less. But, I have to ask...if you're 17% BF now...why do you want to cut further down? Seems to me, you're already nearing the healthy low point for BF% IMO.
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