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Refeed Days are Killing Me

Creatureofnight said:
My main question is, should refeeds still be done even while using Lepti-Gen or do you feel it would be a waste. I would think they should still have a place but not as often. Just curious.

This is what I am wondering too. It would seem as though they would still serve a purpose in replenishing glycogen (maybe a more moderate abreviated refeed is in order). Also, since leptin would not be an issue is there reason to stay with isocaloric or would one do best to drop carbs very low? I would like to know the optimal composition of the diet in conjunction with this produce.
Par mentioned allready that he doesnt want to post the ingrediants or all the details at this time for the fact other companies will just rip off the idea on keeping leptin levels up. I dont blame him, im sure muscletech would try and launch a product in a month if they got a hold of some of hos leptin theories and formulations.
I think that we all know it takes patents to go through. Maybe he just wants it to hit the market before they get the actualy patent???
CoolColJ said:
only takes one chemical analysis to figure out what's in it :)

should have patented it

I filed patents on a couple of the ingredients, but patents take forever and are ignored to a great extent in this industry, anyway.
I didn't realize you were working on a non 'drug' formula, silly me. Are OTC ingredients (such as cough suppressants) considered drugs??? I'm sure most of the competition could work out most of the ingredients by deduction if we're talking about readily available non prescription stuff. Without publically conjecturing on your formulation (I appreciate how much work you've put in and hate to see people scooped), I am wondering about the inclusion of the blood-brain barrier transport apsect of it. It seems on the one hand that you're aiming this at already lean bodybuilders with low peripheral leptin levels but unimpaired brain uptake, yet on the other hand you've thrown in this ingredient which would prolly only benefit someone who's obese with peripheral and central leptin resistance and reduced brain uptake. Just curious more than anything........

Sounds fun. You've certainly got people thinking! I'll wager it won't work as well in women as men, but then few things do!!!

I think there are only about 5 people who could do any productive conjecturing on the matter, and none of you guys make supplements :)

You are probably quite correct, in regards to women, unless they have pretty low bodyfat.

I expect that increasing uptake would help in lean people, as central levels are still considerably lower than peripheral, even in the leanest subjects.
We'll I was thinking about this last night (conjecturing as you would say). I know it's not your marketing emphasis (LOL), but I have been thinking for a while about a similar supp (with fewer ingredients) to treat female PMS symptoms, especially the often uncontrollable appetite which I'll wager is due at least in part to the decrease in estrogen mediated drops in CCK/Leptin signalling. I would love to test this out sometime. Sadly (as you are clearly aware) the costs of proper clinical trials combined with patent issues surroundig the use of common amino acids, minerals and other OTC ingredients means that these combinations of drugs may be very effective, but never used medically since there's no money in it for the pharmaceutical companies. The more I think about it the more it pisses me off. Anyway, I hope your sales soar and your product is an unqulaified success.
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