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14 year old boy charged with sharing 13 year old girl's racy phone photo

vixensghost said:
Thankless job for sure. Brianna is going to hate us more and more as she gets older. WE can live with this though- NO PROBLEM. I hated my mom and dad for brief moments while growing up. I look back now, and think how damn lucky I was!

We are so old school when it comes to anything relating to Brianna. I would NEVER allow her to go to a party unless I KNEW the people VERY well.

YOUR situation is totally out of your hands, Kini. I reaaaaly have NO idea how you do it. I'd be locked up.

I thank God that they try to use what little sense I gave them, but I mean, how can you leave young girls alone, tell them nothing, not care where they go, who they are with or WHAT they are doing and expect them to not fuck up? They are children with ZERO guidance...

I got a text yesterday, "Mami, does it hurt to get your clit pierced?"


Child will be 14 at month's end...

My daughters have gotten acrylic nails, extensions, dyed hair, extra piercings in their earlobes with their father never knowing. Ummmm..... HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR 11 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS DOING THESE THINGS?

I guess it's the same way that you "not know" your 13 y/o is being dragged about by everyone in the community and when you do find out because her mother (who can not get custody back, for goodness knows why, hell she can't even tell you why she lost it) filed custody papers AGAIN when she found out that the child was not only smoking pot and drinking, but having sex with many people - including her father... how did her mother find out all of this while she was "busy running around not giving a shit about her kids - you know, cause she abandoned them and all" ? BY TALKING TO THE YOUNGER THREE EVERY SECOND SHE COULD... You have no idea how many times I get texts and phone calls at all hours of the day and night - EVERYTHING STOPS and I MEAN EVERYTHING when my phone goes off. My girls have special ringtones so I ALWAYS know when it is them.

And what does "their poor loving good guy dad do"... HE FUCKING PUTS THE CHILD ON BIRTHCONTROL! Yup, 14 y/o baby on fucking birthcontrol...

You have no idea how much self-control it takes for me not to personally slit that motherfuckers throat....
fistfullofsteel said:
Boy charged with sharing girl's racy phone photo

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Star-Ledger Staff

It was going to be their secret -- a 13-year-old girl's portrait of her bare chest, snapped in a Hanover Township school bathroom on a cell phone camera borrowed from the intended recipient, a 14-year-old boy.

But authorities say the boy shared the photo by sending it to his buddies via cell phone. That action triggered a police investigation, and although the girl willingly took the picture in September, the boy now stands accused of violating her privacy.

Hanover Detective Earle Seely, who investigated, said yesterday the crime was committed when the boy pushed "send" and transmitted the image.

The Sept. 28 incident should serve as an alarm to parents of teens, Seely said.

"And not only about what they are doing with cell phones, but what they are doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms with computer Web cams," he said. "Parents need to wise up."

If found guilty, the boy faces probation, community service and fines.

The school district declined to discuss the case. The teens' parents also did not want to comment, police said.

Legal experts and police say what happened at Hanover's Memorial Junior School is occurring more frequently.

The problem is teens are technology savvy, but they don't have a real concept of personal privacy and are "extremely open when it comes to personal information. Just look at MySpace and Facebook Web sites," said Grayson Barber, a Princeton attorney and privacy expert.

Barber even pointed to a recent high-profile Hollywood incident in which nude photos of Vanessa Hudgens, star of the Disney's "High School Musical," wound up on the Internet.

Experts say while teens are used to posting personal information about who they are, their musical tastes and personal preferences, they can go overboard without realizing the consequences.

In the Hanover case, the girl's use of the cell phone camera "was a dumb thing to do. As stupid as that may have been, she had a reasonable expectation of privacy," Barber said.

Eugene O'Donnell, a professor of law and police studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, agreed.

"This is not a case of boys will be boys," he said. "What happened was a violation of law."

Rockaway Borough and Roxbury police have investigated claims of cell phone cameras capturing sex acts among teens.

In Rockaway, Detective Kyle Schwarzmann said claims of improper cell phone camera use were at the heart of a six-month investigation last year into alleged off-campus sexual assaults involving students and recent graduates of Morris Knolls High School.

One claim was made by a 16-year-old girl who said she was assaulted during a party at a Rockaway business, local police said. Three other girls made similar claims, saying they were sexually assaulted by a group of boys in Rockaway Township and Parsippany, police said.

Investigators, however, were unable to confirm the allegations when no one would produce the videos, and no charges were filed.

The line between what kids can and can't do with technology isn't always clear to children, Schwarzmann said.

"Kids need to know what is legal and illegal, and that comes down to the parents," he said. "We can't give teens this type of technology without telling them what they can and can't do."

all the whey said:

You know my brother... you couldn't have hit the nail any harder dead center on the fucking head.

My girls know I love them and always have and always will. But their father's love... that is something they will NEVER get as he is incapable of loving. Hell, motherfucker isn't even human, how can he love?
You know my brother... you couldn't have hit the nail any harder dead center on the fucking head.

My girls know I love them and always have and always will. But their father's love... that is something they will NEVER get as he is incapable of loving. Hell, motherfucker isn't even human, how can he love?

You guys should pay more attention to my kitteh pics!!!

You could all learn more about yourselves and the world around you!@!@@
all the whey said:
You guys should pay more attention to my kitteh pics!!!

You could all learn more about yourselves and the world around you!@!@@

LOL.... Seriously though, that kitty pic may be "cute" but it is VERY poignant.

You have no idea how heartbreaking it is to try to explain to an innocent child that they will NEVER be able to garner their father's love, that it isn't their fault and that it makes them no less special or lovable. That this is HIS defect alone... the guilt I bear because I willingly chose this man to father them... you have NO IDEA.

I was just a child myself, what did I know? and now, it's too late.

Doesn't matter who fucks a child, regardless the world will ALWAYS blame the mother... Just read a FRACTION of the shit posted round here. I am certain that the PM circuit is far better.... :whatever: whatever
borris said:
This girl I use to go to highschool with sent her boyfriend during college over a dozen explicit pics of her fingering herself, in sexual poses, ect. Anyways her boyfriend and her had a rough breakup and for some reason this dude was infuriated and wanted to hit hard so he sent the pics of her (via e-mail) to everyone at my old high school and all her friends... Everyone and I mean everyone seen them the day they came out, they spread like wild fires and I didn't even go to her college. It was a complete shock to because the girl was a very prude little smarty smarty girl in our school, she actually was the valid victorian.

Anyways her boyfriend ended up getting kicked out of college and sentenced a $10,000 fine

I guess you could say they both got theirs.

He knocked her off her pedestal - she got to watch him pay for it.

Seems just to me.
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