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start clomid


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I finished my eq(ip) and fina cycle 2 weeks ago, I feel very emotional and seem like a F@cking bitch(i'm told), should I start my clomid or wait another week, This may sound weird but when I go on clomid I get a good feeling of happieness the opposite of most people
Start clomid 17-21 days after your last shot of EQ. If you feel it would help by going ahead and taking it now, well then go for it-3 days isn't going to make all that much difference anyways. On a side note, you should have run the tren 2 weeks past your last shot of EQ so you could start clomid 3 days after your last shot of the tren, which would also be 17 days after your last shot of EQ. You would experience less crash and get the most out of your gear that way. Just thought I'd let you know for future reference.
Large hit it on the head. You'll keep more of your gains by cycling as he said, in my experience I have found it to be true.
I had to change my cycle, I was going to run some winny after the fina for 6 weeks, which would have lasted 2-3 weeks after the last shot of eq, but I want to get on some accutane and clear skin is more important to me.Thanks for the help
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