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relationships suck

Been there, done that! Don't sweat it bro......many others out there.....take your anger to the gym!
my serious GF is in texas right now finishing up her sports crap.. I miss her so much :( ..reminds me i gotta call her...
Sexual frustration=great rage and intensity. You know why Jet Li brutally kills scores of people in every film?... the writers never let him get with the girl.
a couple months ago i had a little one month thing with a girl i met and it was amazing. I really felt like she was the one and we had something.... She at the time was different than any other girl i had ever met.

then she just blew me off. started not returning my calls, and then she just left for vacation for a month. She completely blew me off. A really fake person. Could not even be honest with me. She had to play baby games so end it..... so that crushed me and since then i have been going crazy in the gym,... all i know is , the next time she sees me i will be huge, and will not give the time of day if she tries to talk to me again...

Fucking bitch.

IMO these days girlfriends are not worth it. Just go out and get laid. I mean what's the point of having someone? I would rather be alone and free of strees.

It really does not matter what you do as long as you are getting laid. IMO thats all that matters, because that's all i will ever need from a girl.

So i guess i can relate a little to your problem. But just suck it up. Live your life and do things to improve youself. And most of all go and try to get laid. After that you will realize that girl really had nothing to offer you.
Everything great I've done in my life I did when I was single!
Now that I have a woman I am a lifeless piece of shit. Luckily, I still manage to train my ass off.
But other than that all I do is cater to this selfish bitch. One day will come and I will kick her lazy ass
off the gravy train. Don't know why I haven't done it yet - but you guys are motivating me to dump this
wench and start training like a goddamn barbarian!
Take the anger out in the gym. Same thing happened to me awhile back and the biggest problem I had was keeping my appetite up. I have a new wonderful girl now , the aerobic instructor at my gym but I still want to see how much bigger I can get before I run into my ex again. I'm up 21 pounds since I last saw her, I ran into her mother right after working out (fully pumped) last week and she couldn't stop looking at me, great feeling. Trust me bro, time will heal the pain and there will be another one even better.
I have swore of girls until I am happy with my self! I started my cycle a couple of weeks after I broke up with my GF I was at 205 34" waist and flabby. I started my cycle and now I am at 218 with a 32-33" waist still flabby some. My goal is 220, and then going to diet and get ripped. Girls seem to get in the way with going out to eat and all the relationship BS. Don't get me wrong I have a good looking friend With privleges that gives me some and wants nothing in return. I may not talk to her for a week and then call her late at night go over do my bus and leave. She is cool with that. She is not the type I want to date or anyting. She is also a nurse and gets me my pins and stuff. There is plenty of time to find that special someone but If you aren't happy with your self it hard to be happy with someone IMO.
We've all been there bro, just stick through it! This happened during my first cycle ever and it screwed it up for me, but I learned a lot. Train hard, and take this time to reflect and realize there are tons of girls out there.

Now I just manwhore my way to happiness. You can too!
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