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Pinned thigh and is swollen for 3 days now.. Swell moving, please advise


Pinned thigh and it has been swollen for 3 days now.. Swell moving downward and is now over knee cap

1st two pics Pics are of 2 days after pin.
2nd two pics are of today, 3 days after. You can see the scab mark where I pinned. It is not swollen near the pin point. What's happening?

They'll give you antibiotics. Make sure you run probiotics after the course of antibiotics bro

Tell them what you did and they'll probably just be like wtf idiot
Yeaa, shit. Think I just didn't go deep enough? ... I go like .5- .75 in legs. Legs always get really swollen and red after to. Delts and high glutes are like nothing, but eod injects are tuff to do with only 4 pin sites. Hit or miss with the legs whether I'm gonna feel fine the next day or if it's gonna look all swollen like this. Never had it travel like this. I feel Like just keeping my leg up would drain it back lol
Damn it, headed to the doc

And I'm pinning with 23 gauge needles...
I am doing every day injections and I use 4 sites.
I use glutes and outer thigh.
By the time I am back to the same site it is fine.
I must be a baby when it comes to needles then. Ed and only 4 thank you lol

My ass cheeks still have scar tissue/lump build up and it's almost gone by the time I get through all 6 spots
I am doing every day injections and I use 4 sites.
I use glutes and outer thigh.
By the time I am back to the same site it is fine.

I don't know what you are pinning but why not add delts? I'm 6 weeks into my prop cycle and pinning ED and the first 4 weeks I used 4 sites (glutes, and outer quad)... but the past 2 weeks I've added delts and it makes it a hell of a lot easier. They are probably my new favorite spot.
Yeaa, shit. Think I just didn't go deep enough? ... I go like .5- .75 in legs. Legs always get really swollen and red after to. Delts and high glutes are like nothing, but eod injects are tuff to do with only 4 pin sites. Hit or miss with the legs whether I'm gonna feel fine the next day or if it's gonna look all swollen like this. Never had it travel like this. I feel Like just keeping my leg up would drain it back lol
Damn it, headed to the doc

And I'm pinning with 23 gauge needles...

I've gone a loooong time just pining in my glutes. Stay to the upper outter quadrants and move half a inch away each time. Just avoid the sciatic nerve. Even pressure on that nerve will make ur life hell.
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