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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log

allergies in your home can be brutal make sure your air conditioning filter is a good one
Well I have sinus issues. Think it has a lot to do with where we live. It just hasn’t gotten this bad in a long time. Definitely going to have to start taking Allegra everyday again.
Also I got some 27G 1 inch needles to pin myself. I was using the 23G 1.5in and I think that was why it was so painful the day after. Still drawing with the 23G.
Well I have sinus issues. Think it has a lot to do with where we live. It just hasn’t gotten this bad in a long time. Definitely going to have to start taking Allegra everyday again.
@BrightFuture you try doing some fasting to detox this?

Also I got some 27G 1 inch needles to pin myself. I was using the 23G 1.5in and I think that was why it was so painful the day after. Still drawing with the 23G.
27g is hard to pin bro
you should go with 25G 1 inch
and draw with 21G
Today was back and biceps. Had a great workout! Cardio is severely limited at the moment due to this cough but today was the first day that I didn’t wake up coughing so think the Allegra is helping.

Barbell row: 155x12 175x10 195x6 135x15
Lat pulldown wide grip: 135x12 135x12 135x12
Cable row: 135x12 150x12 165x9 180x6
Lat pulldown narrow grip: 120x12 120x12
Straight arm pulldown: 100x15 100x15 100x13 100x10
Cable bicep curl: 60x15 70x15 80x15 90x8 80x8 70x9 60x10 40x10

For the cable curls I did something I have never done before. The first few sets as long as I hit 15 reps I increased the weight with minimal rest between sets. After the 4th set I worked my way back down in weight but took no rest time. As soon as I felt like I wasn’t going to get anymore quality reps I just decreased the weight and started again. Felt great!
Alright so feeling much better now stil got a slight cough but other than that I feel 100%!

Planning to get back to my routine starting my tomorrow and I plan to hit it hard. I will say mentally I feel better than I have in forever. I am happier, calmer, more focused and just more confident. It feels great!

Tomorrow is chest/triceps.
Glad you feeling btr bro
Just got some yard work done. What do you all think about me extending the testosterone out to 12-14 weeks? Current plan is 10 weeks but I know 12 weeks seems to be the standard. Would an extra 2-4 weeks be worth it?

Also, thoughts on deca for joint health?
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