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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log

let us know about that Cold it seems like it's a little stubborn maybe time to go back to the doc
don't push the shoulders too much though even if you're getting stronger stay under control
Oh yeah definitely. I was just floored today especially when I hit 10 reps for 135 pounds. I knew great things were going to happen when I got to 5 and it was nothing then I just kept going lol.
let us know about that Cog it seems like it's a little stubborn maybe time to go back to the dock
Yeah it was bad at all today until I took a shower. I do get pretty bad allergies but never take allergy medicine. I took some Allegra last night and probably need to do that daily. Made a huge difference.
yes the gear is kicking in that's what you're noticing
It’s a great feeling for sure. This is week 3 now and I know this is the week where it is suppose to really start kicking in.
monstro says try the Hammer Strength when you're doing pressing
Yeah I do those for incline chest press and also shoulder presses. Feels great.
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