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Approved Log My TRT Trenbolone Anavar Dbol cycle Log


EF Logger
I’ll be running:
Dbol 25mg/daily
Var 30mg/daily
Tren E. 200mg/week

I’ll be consuming 3200 calories a day.

Oatmeal 1.5 cup
Blueberry .5 cup
Almond Butter 2 tbsp
Protein shake with water
Grapefruit juice 4oz

Chickpeas 1cup
Almond butter 2 tbsp
Olive oil 1tbsp
I’m making hummus
2 brown rice cakes
Ground beef with veggies
Protein shake with water

Chickpeas .5cup
Almond butter 2tbsp
Olive oil 1 tbsp
Hummus again 🤬
Rice cakes or vegetable wontons
Ground beef with veggies
Protein shake with water
Grapefruit juice 4oz

My routine:

Monday: morning- chest+tri, evening- abs +cardio
Tuesday: morning- back +bis, evening- abs +cardio
Wednesday: anterior leg focus +glutes and calves
Thursday: shoulders + chest isolation
Friday: morning- arms +forearms, evening- abs + cardio
Saturday: morning- posterior chain focus, evening back +abs
Sunday: off day
I’ll be running:
Dbol 25mg/daily
Var 30mg/daily
Tren E. 200mg/week

I’ll be consuming 3200 calories a day.

Oatmeal 1.5 cup
Blueberry .5 cup
Almond Butter 2 tbsp
Protein shake with water
Grapefruit juice 4oz

Chickpeas 1cup
Almond butter 2 tbsp
Olive oil 1tbsp
I’m making hummus
2 brown rice cakes
Ground beef with veggies
Protein shake with water

Chickpeas .5cup
Almond butter 2tbsp
Olive oil 1 tbsp
Hummus again 🤬
Rice cakes or vegetable wontons
Ground beef with veggies
Protein shake with water
Grapefruit juice 4oz

My routine:

Monday: morning- chest+tri, evening- abs +cardio
Tuesday: morning- back +bis, evening- abs +cardio
Wednesday: anterior leg focus +glutes and calves
Thursday: shoulders + chest isolation
Friday: morning- arms +forearms, evening- abs + cardio
Saturday: morning- posterior chain focus, evening back +abs
Sunday: off day
@Mk11kh good log start I like your layout :) thanks for the share.

a few details and concerns here

Diet training
diet, please share actual foods and macros as you eat them not generic 1 time diet, very few if any guys eat same thing day in and out so we need to see what you'll actually eat as you go day by day
training, good start but we need to see actual exercises reps sets and weights so we can understand how strong you are and cardio info
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

what supplements do you take? list
and where is your organ liver support like n2guard? you need to be using at least 5-7 caps of n2guard here

please share pictures of you face blurred so we can see your base
share pics of your meals as you eat so we can see diet
and share pics of some training if you can
pics of your supplements a must
and pics of gear of course to see if real

stay strong and stay sharing , please add more info as you go we are waiting :)
nice start to the log my man
picture you look solid nice space to work with
you got a solid physique to start with
now we just have to get you to the next level
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