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My Friend's Back Was Crushed By A Press 2 Years ago, he wants to do a cycle



To help strengthen the weakened and damaged muscles in his back....this guy is fucking miserable..he cant even function without serious painkillers, cant sleep and shit, pretty much doesnt give a I am thinking he should at least give it a shot, I know a cycle of winny/deca, my 1st (with test) helped my back heal....So I was thinking something along the lines of

10 weeks

250mg of sust a week
400mg of deca a week
25mg of winny daily

I'll make sure he's using the right protectants, specially for liver and cholesterol

Im also going to have him get liver tests becuase he's been on opiate based painkillers for a long time'

What do you guys think? He cant afford GH
winny reduces synovial fluid. cut out the winny for sure.

test/deca + MSM + Glucostimine should work well.
Hes going to be barely training at all, just very light, hes not a bb, but does have very good genetics
I agree 100% I would not let him take the Winny at all.

Not knowing all of the info, I would say that the damage caused by the press not only screwed up his back and muscles, but it causes his body to put out many other chemicals in alot higher doses than the body is used to, let alone all the meds and painkillers he's been using. That being said and the fact that I'm sure Depression is a big issue with this person, I would not do any type of gear that is liver toxic, or likely to cause liver/kidney problems.

He will need to be under a very scrutinized lab schedule to make sure it's not messing him up. I'm not just talking about Liver test, I would have his PH, Cholest, LH, and potasium levels checked at the very minimum.

I guess what I'm saying is that the fact that most people in your friends state have a serious level of depression which causes the body and it's organs to do many strange things that are typically not likely to happen under normal circumstances. Depression sucks, and many people believe that maybe not directly but indirectly Depression has a hand in the deaths of 70% of people that die prior to their expected life span.

There are now studies attempting to prove that people that are depressed have a higher chance of being diagnosed with Cancer....

Good luck,

I'm sorry I missed the last part of your post. Is it agreed that GH would be best if he had the cash?
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