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HELP!!! I want to get huge fast..especially my traps!

protobe said:
shrugs while putting your head down works more the delts and traps than shoulders.


head position?
head position is nearly irrelevant.

delts and traps....what other muscles are you thinking that comprise the "shoulders"?

sorry i just dont see what you are talking about.

Farmers walk is holding a dumbell or barbell in each hand and walking with it. Usually there are specially made bars with handles for these.

Dumb question, but what does DOMS mean? thanks.
LeeJunFan said:
can someone explain to me what a "farmer" is please?

It is a person who plants, cultivates and harvests crops, usually to

Farmers walk is an event in strongman where you carry heavy objects in each hand (like oxygen cylinders) and move with them as fast as you can over a course.
well when you shrug right?? you are working mainly your shoulders. When you put your head down you are using you delts to shrug up instead of you shoulders/neck try you you'll see what i mean.
protobe said:
well when you shrug right?? you are working mainly your shoulders. When you put your head down you are using you delts to shrug up instead of you shoulders/neck try you you'll see what i mean.

This is incorrect. You are directly working your trapezius muscles, which lie atop the back, and extend down. Bowing your head doesn't change anything.
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