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1st cycle looking for some wisdom


New member
First off 25, 220lbs, 6',

Buddy set me up with

Tri-Blend 250mg 1 vial
Deca 200mg 1 vial

Omnadren 250mg 3 vials
Deca 300mg 3 vials

His instructions were
750mg test ew
600mg deca ew to start than
900mg deca ew once on 300mg vials
starting with 30mg ed dbol kicker 4 weeks

Arimidex 1mg ed
ala 1g ed
clomid pct

from my research on these forums, it seems most people find great gains well below these mg. Any advise would be apreciated.

PS. been trying to buy platinum membership running into problems not letting my login, seems like you guys have alot to offer, help a brother out.
Yeah bro 900mg of deca?! holy shit lol your friend is an idiot. All you need for your first cycle is test-e at 500mg a week. Maybe kick that off with some beastdrol or dbol and you'll love the gains.
Also, read the pct sticky above.

I was also having troubles with buying a plat, finally just gave up.
First off bro welcome to the site...

your buddy that told you to run that much gear is a complete idiot and is going to fuck you up big time if you follow that kind of advice from him...Those doseages for a first cycle are crazy and there are vets on this board that would have many years of experiece and still not do that amount of gear.

Now,You need to post more long have you been training ? whats your bodyfat ?

post-up your typical diet.

We can help you out more if we have details like this.

and IF you are ready to start a cycle of AAS , 10 weeks of testerone @ 500mg will be PLENTY !
this really was one tbhing that stuck out to me was the amount of gear, glad some other guys noticed llol i almost thought i was crazy lol
Not only will it jack you up physically, but you'll have to deal with the mental horrors of losing alot of those gains after you're finished. Way way too much.
Not only will it jack you up physically, but you'll have to deal with the mental horrors of losing alot of those gains after you're finished. Way way too much.

losing gains will be the least of his worries if he doesnt know if he is dealing with prolac gyno issues having not run a test only cycle before jumping on deca.
Whats ur body fat at??
What are u trying to achieve?

Depending on ur goals i'll either recommend Test and low dose Deca, or Test/Masteron. Yes even for a first cycle. Test only didnt cut it for me.

Have u used any over the counter steroids or pro hormones before??
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