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  1. F

    can you get away with planet fitness membership?

    So I’ve been visiting different gyms in my area and Planet Fitness seems to be the cleanest and they have a good environment there and the price is the best. I think I want to sign up there. My question is do you think it’s possible to get in a good workout if you’re using steroids from a gym...
  2. M

    can I get a burger after a workout?

    I have a question about nutrition and working out. Today I went to the gym and I did 30 minutes on the treadmill at a fast walk got in a really good sweat and I got my heart rate up. After a workout like that would it be okay for me to go get a burger at a fast food joint? Would it affect my...
  3. S

    how to use protein powder

    I’m looking to get some advice on how best to use protein powder should I be drinking it after my workout or before? Or is it best if I drink it before bed? How do you guys on here drink it and what are some of the best strategies that you’ve noticed to help you grow and repair the muscles
  4. G

    always finish with isolation lifting?

    Let’s say on chest day I want to get in a good workout with good volume it always be necessary to do my chest first and do flat bench and those types of compound lifts and then save the more isolation lifts like single-arm dumbbells till the last few sets? Or does anybody mix them up or just do...
  5. T

    how to build real muscle mass

    so my current workout routine is 15 sets and I do high rep volume like 15-20 reps at a time per set. This gives me solid volume and usually my workouts take about 45 to 50 minutes I’ve been building some good lean muscle mass but I don’t feel like I have the size where you can tell I workout...
  6. N

    best supplements to take during workout?

    What are the best supplements that I can take during my workout for best results? I’m looking to get more energy during my workout and help feed my muscles while I train a friend of mine suggested protein powder but after I tried that strategy it made me sick and nauseous maybe I need something...
  7. N

    my muscles need more size

    so I’ve been training for the past five years and I’m having a hard time putting on muscle mass. I’m following pretty much a full body routine in more high intensity type of training with high repetitions. I’m wondering if maybe my body’s not reacting to this strategy and it’s time for me to try...
  8. B

    how to cure post workout pain ?

    After my workouts I feel fantastic and I get in my car and go home then when the adrenaline wears off I start experiencing a lot of pain in my joints and also in my soft tissues where they feel very tender. I know this isn’t normal and I’m wondering if I am just training too hard but is there...
  9. B

    Let me know what you think! My 8 weeks workout plan!

    Hello all! I’m new here and I am interested to know what you think about my 8 weeks workout plan! first I’d like to say that I have been playing hockey for 25 years now and I am used to working out. Unfortunately I ripped my groin two years ago and got diagnosed with a herniated cervical last...
  10. B

    after workout what do you take?

    I’m wondering what do you take after your workout in terms of supplements I’m looking to get things to another level and help my progress my training is around 20 up to 25 sets per session and I’m usually pretty worn out from heavy volume going at least 10 repetitions per set
  11. Z

    intra workout shake options

    I started to like to take an intra workout Shake halfway through my workout to get in some extra carbs my goal is to bulk up and get stronger I’m doing about 22 sets and what I’ll do is after a 10 or 11 sets I’ll take a 15 minute break and drink a shake do you recommend I add anything to it?
  12. M

    lots of post workout pain, sarms help?

    A friend of mine said that he used sarms and it helped him with a lot of his nagging injuries and also with post-workout pain I’m going to assume it probably had a lot to do with recovery would you recommend I use RAD and GW to help recovery? If not what would be your pics? I’m 58 years old and...
  13. W

    need some tips after quitting caffeine

    So I’ve been used to drinking caffeine before my workouts for years recently quit using it entirely cold turkey I feel tired when I train, but MUCH happier and better mood overall should I start drinking something else in the mean time or will this tired feeling pass?
  14. Z

    post workout dinner ideas

    So I currently get out of work at about 4 p.m. then I will go home and change and go to the gym. I usually get there a little bit after five and then I get home by about 6:15 or 6:30 in the evening I’m curious what you would recommend I eat when I got home from the gym I’m usually in bed by 10 p.m.
  15. X

    best BCAA for recovery

    what are the best bcaa options for me if I want to recover properly after a workout? I’m not doing well post workout, seems like I am struggling to find my size as well I wonder if bcaa’s would help me improve on both fronts any suggestions as there are many out there for sale. Need something...
  16. V

    How to boost appetite with sarms

    Hello everybody what is going to be the secret cocktail of sarms to help me boost appetite? I'm currently in my early twenties and when I eat food I immediately start getting nauseous. it seems to happen especially if I eat around a workout it's hard for me to get in a lot of carbs and protein...
  17. S

    Different ways to change up my workout routines

    I'm curious to hear your personal experiences with changing up your workout routines when they become stale I was reading up about doing Drop sets, changing up the days you go to the gym, Super sets, rep cycling, and doing a lot of negatives my end goal is to improve and stay motivated. what...
  18. N

    Best pre workout cheap

    I’m looking for something to take pre workout that also includes beta-alanine that also is free of sugar and gluten I lift heavy when i train Need something to give me a little bit of a hit so that I can go in there and start throwing around weights and really pushing myself hard. I tend to...
  19. W

    Sets per body part and advice

    so for the last couple years I have been doing around 14 sets per body part when I go weight train. I really like to do volume training and it's helped me get more games. unfortunately things have stalled for me and I'm coming to you for some help do you think that I should increase the amount...
  20. H

    Top 5 best supplements for bodybuilders?

    What do you think about this list for the top five supplements for bodybuilders? you need a good protein supplement you also need a really good creatine supplement to help feed the muscles Bcaa products are also good intraworkout Pre workout you should get something to give you pumps and energy...
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