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The Truth About Violence

thank you for your service guys, I don't care if you did just a damn year, you sure as fuck did more than most of us do, sadly many of you return broken and are forgotten :( for shame...
Why? We all made an informed life choice....We had movies like Full Metal Jacket and Saving Private Ryan...We were all devotees of a statist death cult...If you have to ever take a citizen test, you'll realise this country was supposed to be built on non-intervention and free trade with everyone. The United States achieved world gdp dominance by 1890, surpassing great Britain, by following that philosophy for the most part while Great Britain continued their empire policy. Militarism is a drag on society like a parasite.
I find it funny how i've seen him post that he joined the Army to make his dad proud, and that he went into a tech field

Then a few months later he claims he was drafted and forced into service, and that he is a trained killer and has seen horrible combat, in terrible parts of the world and can't come to peace with himself for the countless lives he took

Forgive me for raising an eyebrow but when the fuck was the last draft? I think java was like 5 at the time.

Also, noone in the tech field sees heavy combat, and damn sure not any Army pog.

I was trained as an 03XX and assigned as an 0331 Machinegunner in a Marine Corps infantry unit, with the sole purpose of destroying the enemy. That was our ONLY job. My weapons platoon got attatched to an 0321 Marine Recon (battallion level, not Force) on one of our deployments for awhile, and even the most battle seasoned Recon Marines in the heaviest combat region in the entire world will tell you they haven't had more than a handful of confirmed kills.

I have seen some pretty shitty combat myself and would never try and claim that I've killed a shitload of people. First off, anyone with any real combat experience will tell you that you're a fucking liar, and secondly, it's really not something you fucking brag about. My wife doesn't even know my exact number of confirmed kills. That's not something you beat your chest about if you actually did it.

Long story short, he's a liar.
13B isn't a tech field retard....we trained marines at Sill for their MOS.
No you didn't.

And how did you make an informed life decision if you got 'drafted' as you claimed not even 2 months ago when I called you out for saying you'd been 'forced into service'

You are a pathetic drunken liar, and you continue to return to a board where EVERY member hates you.

Nice life
All that has to be done is EF needs to send a letter to his ISP with a cease and desist. They will either cancel his service as a break in the TOS, or they will remove access to EF from their servers.

problem solved.
Please, I'm the last thing keeping this site active.
You're actually a huge reason why several people have left.

Noone wants to listen to your drunk rambling
Hmm, that's not what she told me. What I heard was the most remarkable thing about the, ummm intimate aspect of their relationship, was just how utterly UNremarkable it was. That and he became obsessed with her so she got the hell out of Dodge. Considering his behavior on the boards these days I'm inclined to believe her side of things since I heard it ages ago.
Well, based on the empirical data...The innocence Project provided data from their dna rape conviction cases that found 1 in 4 men convicted of rape based on a woman's testimony was false once subjected to dna evidence. Two well controlled studies in 1996 found that 40% and 41% of rape claims were false. Women like to lie...What can I say. I'm quite happy with my penis size as well as well as what my ex-wife claims as well as numerous girlfriends....I have the "perfect penis." You have an n=1 argument from my only disgruntled ex .
Why? We all made an informed life choice....We had movies like Full Metal Jacket and Saving Private Ryan...We were all devotees of a statist death cult...If you have to ever take a citizen test, you'll realise this country was supposed to be built on non-intervention and free trade with everyone. The United States achieved world gdp dominance by 1890, surpassing great Britain, by following that philosophy for the most part while Great Britain continued their empire policy. Militarism is a drag on society like a parasite.
I never thanked you, just them.
lol @ i could shut this site down

You are so far removed from reality that it has become comical
It's called a denial of service attack and I consider it douchebaggery. Yes, you can create a script that overloads a system and effectively shuts down a site. If it actually happened to this site I would volunteer time to improve the's an idle threat on my part because I'm not a restricter of free speech...Call me an asshat douchebag useless bastard but I would still defend your right to express your opinion against me.

The sites that agree with me bore me and the sites that disagree with me hate me...I get a mix here.
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