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The Truth About Violence

You probably don't know that according to the cdc domestic violence is primarily initiated by women...70%...

Men are the kindest caregivers in society...not women...studies have found that empathy is correlated with the father's interaction with the child.

Links to said studies?

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Despite the disinformation spread by the MRM the most important stats about violence against women do not lie. The majority of credible researchers in sociology, criminology, and public health all agree that men commit the most serious physical domestic, intimate-partner, and sexual violence against women, including sexual abuse against children. While women initiating violence against men is wrong, it is rarely a systematic pattern of power and control. Rape, stalking, harassment, domestic violence, there is no equivalence between men and women. I'm not trying to make the guys here feel bad by saying this.
Links to said studies?

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In the video...Stephen always posts references....Your links to pro beating of children studies? Even if it was positive to beat's immoral. You're like the slave master that claimed beating his "nigger children" was the only way to bring them to Christ....after all..without a "white man's" understanding of the bible they would have been stuck in a state of nature....
Despite the disinformation spread by the MRM the most important stats about violence against women do not lie. The majority of credible researchers in sociology, criminology, and public health all agree that men commit the most serious physical domestic, intimate-partner, and sexual violence against women, including sexual abuse against children. While women initiating violence against men is wrong, it is rarely a systematic pattern of power and control. Rape, stalking, harassment, domestic violence, there is no equivalence between men and women. I'm not trying to make the guys here feel bad. I'm just saying that this crap is for people who are really fucked up.
Oh shit...privileged white woman trying to pull the victim card....citations...real credible citations and not your feminazi blogs. The CDC claims that 70% of domestic violence is initiated by women....refute it ... have you benefited from your farther exploiting the proletariat? Wait, you work for the exploiters of all wage slaves...and hold a privileged position without merit...I'm more than interested in your man hating theories about how you are oppressed....lmao... don't like you because you're unlikable and not trustworthy.....My girlfriend isn't the smartest but she does have a BS in healthcare management and is capable of understanding data...I told her my complete history within a month because I TRUSTED HER JUDGEMENT.

It came out on week three instead of two and she was a little pissed because she had actually been beaten up by a boyfriend and her jaw can barely open up enough to suck my cock.
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