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What did you personally get out of taking winny? Any size? Strength? Any weight gain?

guards... i won't leave you alone on this one. I know what u meannn... There is a test smell to people sometimes... Last night I was in the gym and these two Guidos or should I say Guidettes cuz they were so dolled up like girls, lifted next to me and they had a Test type smell to them. I definitely can smell the test on my skin when I'm on.
guards said:


Karma for you!

Seriously, there is no distinct look for winstrol. You might be able to tell if someone is on test because of the smell but other than that there is no way to tell what someone is taking by simply looking at them.

haha. i'm not saying i could see a guy in the gym and say, "yep hes on winny" but winny gives me a look that nothing else does. it brings out more striations and seems to make my skin tighter. there's some speculation on AF that it binds to an unknown receptor which is the reasoning for the tightened skin look.
Hauge said:

Smell??? I dont think I smell any different than I normally do on or off test. What do you mean by this smell? Pheromones ???

When your body is overloaded with test, it excretes a little bit through your pores, some more than others, that gives a very distinct smell.n I'm not exactly sure if your body is excreting test or something else....but I do know that I smell pretty funky when I'm on a lot of test.

Go take a whiff of someone on a heavy test cycle, especially mid-workout, and you will see what i mean. PLEASE don't pick the biggest dude in the gym and go smelling him though....could be a bad scene.

As for the winstrol "look"..........fina could give you the exact same results.

And when i think of winstrol I too think of Ben Johnson. Runner's physique.....a BIG runner
guards said:

When your body is overloaded with test, it excretes a little bit through your pores, some more than others, that gives a very distinct smell.n I'm not exactly sure if your body is excreting test or something else....but I do know that I smell pretty funky when I'm on a lot of test.

Go take a whiff of someone on a heavy test cycle, especially mid-workout, and you will see what i mean. PLEASE don't pick the biggest dude in the gym and go smelling him though....could be a bad scene.

AHHH ok IC. I guess I havent noticed it or just havent been on enouh test yet. And oh ya, thx for the advice, If I were like 300 lbs of muscle I dont think I would like someone coming up to me and smelling me, I would be like WTF and probably knock him out. But very informative, didnt know test gave you a distinct smell. I will be looking for that smell while working out. thx
I'm finishing up a cycle using winny for the last 6 weeks. I used ttokyo 10mg tabs (50mg QD). It did not gain any weight but I did loose some bodyfat and got hard as hell. Due to the fact my weight stayed the same, I probably did put on some muscle mass.
i did 50mg Eod and i was dramatic muscle hardness and veins popping on my arms pumps were instant and my body had much more shape strength was very high i use it after i used Test DECA and Dbol
my first cycle will be end of may at 50mg of winny ed for 7 weeks then clomid and clen. i'm 6'3" and 200lbs. i'm looking to get my last two abs in but to add lbm, thus the winny cycle, i will sacrifice some size to stay trim. i assume my strenght will go up, does it seem reasonable to add 5-10 lean pounds since this is my first cycle? btw i'm 24
anything else to add would be great
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