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Special forces training, what supplements?


New member
Hi all.

In about 7 months from now, Im trying out for the Norwegian naval special forces selection in July/August. Im currently in the Navy Coastal Ranger Command (kinda like the us marine corps.) and whenever I have time I try to work out (cardio, endurance and strenght). I currently only take multi vitamins and multi mineral supplements, no protein and such. And I eat 4 times a day. Could anyone give me some thoughts on what supplements I should buy to get the most out of my training towards the selection? Are there any legal supplements that could help me gain an edge, in regards of endurance and cardio?

i would add some protein in like casein maybe and a carb supp. what is your work out like, i could give you some pointers if you want. i was in a us marine recon unit sort of like there sf.
So, casein only or whey right after workout too? Forecon is pretty much the same as where Im at, only difference is that we're not SOF. But it's alot of recon and long range recon, like forecon.

I dont have an exact workout schedule as of now, because I dont always have the time to work out due to long days and such. But I try to do switch betwheen HIT training and some long runs, combined with some swimming now and then body weight excersises like pushups and such, as often as I can.

But tips are always appreciated! :)
whey after you workout and casein in the morning and 1hr before bed,casein is slow to breakdown. a carb supp would be good to before or after you run or whatever.

as far as workout, if i went back i'd do somthing more like crossfit,go to and look at their workouts. hit is great i did it twice aweek. also do you run with kit? if not you should. we did alot of swiming too, im a poor swimer so i had to work my ass off at it. if you want i could post what a weekly routine was like for me when i trained to get in the unit.
Im not the greatest swimmer neither, so I guess I'll have to work my ass off too. Yea I'd love to see your routine, any advice is appreciated :)
I havent ran much with full kit, but we do that alot during the day.
i had about the same time you had to get ready and just got back from one hell of a deployment. i told my command what i wanted to do so they gave me some space.

0500 wake up
0530 run(hit)
midmorning bodyweight exercise 100 pullups 2x10 wide grip,2x10 reg grip, 2x10 reverse grip,2x10 close grip,2x10 one hand face in and one out grip
midafternoon swim 1.5km, tread water full cammies and boots 45min, 25m underwater swim x4
evening 5x5 workout

0530 run(long 8-12 miles)
midmorning bodyweight exercise push-ups,sit-ups 5 wide push-ups,
10 v-ups,5 reg push-ups,10 crunches,5 close push-ups,10 flutter kicks. all done back to back 2:00min time period faster you get done more time to rest 15 rounds
midafternoon swim 50m intervals x20(like hit in water)
evening ploymetrics

0530 run(med 3-5 miles)
midmorning: bodyweight pyramid 1push-up,2sit-up,3squat,2push-up,3sit-up,4 squat and so forth x 10 then back down.
midafternoon: swim 1km (this one is tricky) freestyle swim,1stroke breath for 50m,2 strokes breath 50m,3 strokes breath 50m, see the pattern here(only do this if someone is with or watching you. to clear it up, on 1 stroke breath it stroke breath,stoke breath for 50m, 2 stroke breath, 2 stroke breath for 50 and so forth.
evening: 5x5

0530 cardio machine 45min-1hr
midmorning: ploymetrics
midafternoon: swim 2km every 50m get out and bodyweight exercise, like 10 dive bombers swim 50m, 15 flutter kicks 50m again, 20 lunges 50m again for 2km, 200m swim with brick in one hand if brick gets wet start over, tread water 30min with brick above head, under water swim for distance x 3
evening: off

0530 ruck/pack run 70-80lbs 6-8mlies
midmoring bodyexercise same as tues
midafternoon swim 500m for time,500m technique work,500m with fins, tread water slick 1hr,brick retreival x10, parking cone reteivalx5(done in deep end), hold 25lbs weight and walk on bottom of pool 25mx3
evening 5x5

midday run though woods in boots 1hr

sun off

thats just 1 week of something i did, but each week i switched it up, same intensity, once every 2 months id only go 3 times aweek workout for aweek. also switched between kit and ruck runs every other week.also some weeks did 1000 total push-ups for a day, like 10 here 15 there all day for 1000, next same with abs, then legs
really just come up with something that would really suck to do and do it. for the first few months i through up or was about to after every workout. if you can get a training partner do it, you'll push eachother, i didnt have one, wish i did.
That looks like one hardcore workout schedule. Thanks alot, marine :) This will definitly help, alot of great stuff I have never personally heard of. Like the brick thing. Funny enough (Im in the navy ffs) I dont have access to a swimming pool for free, other than the times we all go swimming. Like once per 2nd week or so. But I'll see if I can arrange some sort of subscription or something. Just got home from training now, did some HIT running.

What was your diet while you were doing that? And also bodyweight/height. How did that affect your body composition? Like did you have a hard time keeping your muscles/weight from all of the swimming and running?
67cm tall 185lbs 12%bf, diet was ok ate three main meals aday with protein and carb supps in between. muscle mass droped alittle but got really strong,bf didnt change really. i didnt want to get big and still dont cause im still in, my thinking is if someone has to carry me sort of thing. i read if you swim alot its hard for some to get really lean bc of the water temp and you body trying to maintain its temp, so it holds on to fat to help.
Okay, cool man. I'll buy some casein and some whey after my christmas vacation so it'll be easier to maintain muscles while I do all of the running and swimming. Will try to follow your workout schedule as tight as possible after I get the pool-membership fixed. We have 4 main meals a day here. But just got one question. Did you use any tobacco of any kind while training? Like dip? Im currently using swedish snus (like dip). Would you recommend using before/after/during?
lol i wouldnt dip while your working out but that is hardcore.
and yes i dipped too i just quit a few months ago. the workout i put was about half way though, so take something out or lower reps,rounds or sets and build up to it. the harder you push yourself the easier it will be. and one more thing NEVER QUIT ever, not working out, not training, not ever, NEVER QUIT. good luck bro.
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